There are some of these quotes where I may make a mistake. So should you find any mistake or you have other quotes that I don't have or you have any idea for some of the unknown quotes at the bottom please e-mail me .

Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Fight The Future
Season 7
Season One
Scully: "Time can't just disappear! It's a universial invariant!"
Mulder: "Not in this zip code....."
Mulder: "Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted!"
Mulder: "Do you believe in the existance of extraterrestrials?"
Mulder: "Oh, isn't it nice to be suddenly so highly reguarded."
Mulder: "I was under the impression you were sent to spy on me."
Mulder: "You gotta love this place, every day's like Halloween!"
Scully: "Agent Mulder believes we are not alone."
Deep Throat
Scully: "Mulder, did you see their eyes? If I were that stoned..."
Mulder: "Ohhhh, if you were that stoned, what?"
The Jersey Devil
Mulder: "Don't you have a life Scully?"
Scully: "Keep that up Mulder, and I'll hurt you like that beast woman."
Ghost In The Machine
Scully: "So, why did you two go seperate ways?"
Mulder: "I'm a pain in the ass to work with."
Scully: "No, seriously."
Mulder: "You mean I'm *NOT* a pain in the ass to work with?"
Scully: "So Sherlock, is the game afoot?"
Mulder: "Afraid so Watson."
Beyond the Sea
Scully: "Well, I came here to tell you that if he dies because of what you've done, four days from now nobody will stop me from being the one that will throw the switch and gas you out of this life for GOOD YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!"
Scully:"Those are the most paranoid people I have ever met. How can you think anything they say is even remotely plausible?"
Mulder: "I think it's remotely plausible that someone might think you're hot....."
Scully: "So, what is the profile of the killer? 'Indetermind height, weight, and sex; unarmed but extremely attractive'."
Mulder: "The Addams family finds religion."
Mulder: "Hey Scully, need anything from the feed store."
Mulder: "Hold on to your hat Scully 'cause you're gonna love this."
Scully: "There's something up there Mulder."
Mulder: "Well, I've been saying that for years."
Mulder: "I don't know what you saw Scully, but I saw you in there about to do the wild thing with a complete stranger."
Darkness Falls
Mulder: "Rugged manly men in the full bloom of their manhood."
Scully: "Right, but what am I looking for?"
Mulder: "Anything strange, unusual, unlikely...a boyfriend?"
Scully: "Fox....."
Mulder: "I even made my parents call me 'Mulder'."
Scully: "Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anybody but you."
Mulder: "If there's iced tea in that bag... could be love."
Scully: "Must be fate Mulder... rootbeer."
Mulder: "How was the wedding?"
Scully: "You mean the part where the groom passed out or the dog bit the drummer?"
Mulder: "Did you catch the bouquet?"
Scully: "Maybe."
Season Two
Little Green Men
Mulder: "So what do you want?"
Scully: "To know that you're alright"
Excelsius Dei
Mulder: "Whatever tape you found in that VCR isn't mine."
Scully: "Good, because I put it back in that drawer with all those other videos that aren't yours."
Dod Kalm
Scully:"Something very strange is going on here Mulder."
Season Three
Scully: "So, what? Are we supposed to charge him with assaulting a cellular phone?"
Scully: "That's spooky."
Mulder: "That's my name, isn't it?"
Mulder (to Scully):"You never draw my bath...."
War Of The Corophages
Mulder:"Bambi also has this theory I've never come across about UFO's...."
Scully: "Her name is Bambi?"
Mulder: "Yeah, both her parents were naturalists. Her theory is that UFO's are actually noctural insect swarms passing through electrical air fields."
Scully: "Her name is Bambi??"
Scully: "Let me guess... Bambi."
Scully: "Smart is sexy. Think of it this way Mulder. By the time there's another invasion of artificially intelligent dung-eating robotic probes from outer space maybe their uber children will have devised a way to save our planet."
Mulder: "You know I never thought I'd say this to you Scully... But you smell bad!"
Scully: "Why do you always get to drive? Because you're the guy, you're the 'Big Macho Man'?
Mulder: "No, it's just that I never thought your little feet could reach the petals."
Mulder: "You ran a stop sign back there."
Scully: "Oh, shut up Mulder....."
Piper Maru
Navy Officer: "What the hell is that?"
Mulder: "It looks like the fuselage of a plane."
Scully: "It's a North American P-51 Mustang."
Navy Officer: Yeah, It sure is."
Mulder: "I just got very turned on."
Mulder: "I think you've just drooled on me."
Mulder: "Do you think I could get the Play Boy channel?"
Mulder: "Come on, G-woman."
Jose Chung's 'From Outer Space'
Scully: "Well, he didn't really say *beep*. What he actually said was....."
Jose Chung: "Agent Scully! I get the picture."
Scully: "He said they just found your bleeping UFO."
Mulder: "Scully, are you coming on to me?"
Mulder: "Scully, you're the only one I trust."
Season Four
Scully: "Mulder..."
Mulder: "I put my hand around you, both of them."
Small Potatoes
Mulder: "But the baby's father is an alien?"
Amanda Nelligan: "No, no, I didn't say he was an alien, I said he was from another planet. His name is Luke Skywalker. He's what's known as a Jedi Knight."
Scully: "Did he have a light saber?"
Amanda: "No, he didn't bring it. He did sing me a song for me though. Da dum da da da da dum... (hums the Star Wars theme)"
Mulder (ringing a bell to get her attention): "I have a theory. Wanna hear it?"
Scully: "Van Blundht somehow physically transformed into his captor then walked out the door leaving no one the wiser."
Mulder: "Scully, should we be picking out china patterns or what?"
Scully: "But what are you saying, that that Van Blundht is an alien?"
Mulder: "Not unless they have trailer parks in space. This is something different."
Mulder: "What did you want to talk to me about, Eddie?"
Eddie: "I just think it's funny. I was born a loser, but you're one by choice."
Scully: "I don't imagine you need to be told this, Mulder, but you're not a loser."
Mulder: "Yeah, but I'm no Eddie Van Blundht either, am I?"
Tempus Fugit
Mulder: "Oh, I got something for you."
Scully: "Oh, you've got to be kidding me..."
Mulder: "It's just something that reminded me of you."
Scully: "What? An alien implant?"
Mulder: "Two, actually. I made them into ear rings."
Season Five
Redux I
Mulder: "Keep going FBI woman."
Redux II
Scully: "If I can save you, let me"
Mulder:"Kill me now."
Scully: "You know Mulder, sometimes I think some work on your communication skills wouldn't be such a bad idea".
Mulder: "I'll be back soon and we can build a tower of furniture,'k?"
Mulder: "Who did you identify with when you were a kid?"
Scully: "I identified with Betty's bustline though I never would have been married to Barney."
Mulder: "I was told once the best way to regenerate body heat is to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with somebody else who's already naked."
Scully: "Maybe if it rains sleeping bags you'll get lucky."
Mulder: "I don't wanna wrestle."
Scully: "Have you ever seriously thought about dying?"
Mulder: "Once, when I was at the ice capades....."
Post-Modern Prometheus
Mulder: "Scully, do you think it's too soon to get my own 1-900 number?"
Mulder (climbing a tree):"Scully, is this demonstration of boyish agility turning you on at all?"
Bad Blood
Mulder: "Come on Scully, get those little legs movin',c'mon."
Scully: "But I just put money in the magic fingers."
Mulder: "I won't let it go to waste."
Mulder: "Dana?! He never even knew your first name."
Scully: "You're gonna interrupt me or what?"
Mulder: "No. Go ahead ..... Dana."
Scully: "Just keep reminding him you were drugged."
Mulder: "Would you stop that?"
Scully: "It wouldn't hurt."
Skinner: "Scully, Mulder."
Mulder: "I was drugged!"
Mulder: "Who's the black private dick who's a sex machine with all the chicks? Shaft! Can you dig it? They say this guy Shaft is a bad mother-shut yo' mouth! Talkin' 'bout a Shaft!"
Mulder: "I did not!"
Scully (shrugs): "Long story short..."
Mulder: "That is ... essentially, exactly the way it happened."
Scully: "Essentially."
Mulder (voice over): "Except for the part about the buck teeth."
Mulder: "Scully?"
Scully: "Yeah?"
Mulder: "Marry me."
Scully: "I was looking for something a little more useful."
Season Six
The Beginning
Scully: "Mulder, I know what you did. I know what happened to me but without ignoring the science, I can't... Listen, Mulder you told me that my science kept you honest. That it made you question your assumptions. That by it, I'd made you a whole person. If I change now... It wouldn't be right...or honest."
Scully: "It comes down to a matter of trust. I guess it always has."
Mulder: "Are you asking me to make a choice?"
Scully: "I'm asking you to trust my judgement. To trust me."
Mulder: "I'm talking about extraterrestrial life alive on this planet, in our lifetime, forces that dwarf and precede all human history. I'm sorry, Scully, but this time your science is wrong."
Scully: "Mulder, are you OK?
Mulder: "Yeah, aside from terminal cell phone withdrawl. That, and I gotta pee."
Scully: "I want you to do me a favor. It's not negotiable.
Either you do it, or I kill you. Understand?"
Alternate Scully: "So, if i don't turn this ship around.."
Mulder: "In all likelihood, I won't exist. And neither will you. So, in case we never meet again..."
(Insert kiss and punch here)
Mulder: "I was expecting a left."
Mulder: "You were there."
Scully: "Hmmm?"
Mulder (Lone Gunmen and Skinner walk in): "You were there, Scully."
Langly: "He's delirious..."
Mulder (talking about Skinner): "But he was there, too."
Skinner: "Right. Me and my dog Toto."
Mulder: "I would've never seen you again. But you believed me."
Scully: "In your dreams. Mulder, I want you to close your eyes. I want you to say to youself, ' There's no place like home.' "
Mulder: "Hey Scully?"
Scully: "Yes?"
Mulder: "I love you."
Scully: "Oh brother."
Dreamland 1
Mulder (looking like Morris): "Of couse you don't believe me. Why was I expecting anything different. All right. Your full name is Dana Katherine Scully, your badge number is - hell I don't know your bage number! Your mother's name is Margaret, your brother's name is Bill Jr., he is in the navy and he hates me. Lately for lunch you've been having like this little six ounce cup of yogurt, plain yogurt, into which you stir some bee pollen because you're on some kind of pollen kick even though I tell you you're a scientist and should know better."
Scully: "Look, any of that information could have been gathered by anyone."
Mulder: "Even that yogurt thing? That is so you. That is so Scully. Well, it's good to know you haven't changed, it's somewhat comforting."
Dreamland 2
Morris (looking like Mulder): "Baby?"
Scully: "You baby me and you'll be peeing through a catheter."
Scully (to Mulder who's still looking like Morris): "I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly."
Mulder: "If I shoot him, is that murder or suicide?"
Scully: "Neither, if I do it first."
The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas
Scully: "Not that my only joy in life is proving you wrong."
Mulder: "When have you proved me wrong?"
Scully: "Why else would you want me out there with you?"
Mulder: "You didn't want to be there? Oh, that's self-righteous and nacissistic of me to say, isn't it?"
Scully: "No, I mean... maybe I did want to be out there with you."
Rain King
Scully (over phone she just heard Mulder is giving dating advice): "Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?"
Mulder (before hanging up): "I will talk to you later."
Scully: "Blind leading the blind."
Hardt: "I've been envious of men like you my whole life. Based on your physical bearing I'd assumed you were ... more experienced. I mean ... you spend every day with Agent Scully, a beautiful, enchanting woman. And you two never uh ... I confess I find that shocking. I ... I've seen how you two gaze at one another."
Mulder: "This is about you, Holman. I'm here to help you. I'm perfectly happy with my friendship with Agent Scully."
Hardt: "So, according to your theory, I walk in there and tell her [Sheila] I love her and the drought will end?"
Mulder: "Just tell her how to feel ... And Holman ... I do not *gaze* at Scully."
Sheila: "You love him [Mulder], don't you?"
Scully: "What?"
Sheila: "You're jealous because Agent Mulder and I have a special connection. You're trying to divert me to Holman."
Scully: "What?"
Scully: "Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend, is suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.
Mulder (leering): "You wanna make that honeymoon video now?"
Mulder: "Oh, it was wonderful.We just spooned up and fell asleep like little baby cats. Isn't that right, Honeybunch?"
Scully: "That's right, Poopyhead."
Mulder (lying on the bed, leering): "Come on, Laura, you know, we're married now."
Scully: "Scully, Mulder. Good night."
Mulder (moves to the couch): "The thrill is gone."
Scully: "A dog? A dog, dog?"
Mulder: "Yo quiero Taco Bell."
Scully: "Spontaneous human combustion."
Mulder (grinning): "Scully..."
Scully: "Well, isn't that where you were going with this?"
Mulder: "Dear Diary, today my heart leapt when Agent Scully suggested spontaneous human combustion."
Mulder: "You know that you're in here didn't you?"
Scully: "I've read a chapter. What does it say?"
Mulder: "Well let's just say that in the end you're doing a naked pritzel in the bed with a stranger on a unfurnished floor of a forth floor apartment."
Mulder: "Mr. Padgett, you can go now. We apologized for our mistake. You are free to finish your book."
Padgett: "Thank you." (Walked out and turned back) "I made a mistake myself. You see in my story I've written that Agent Scully falls in love, but that's obviously impossible, Agent Scully is already in love."
Padgett: "I misjudged her character --her interest in me."
Naciamento: "Now we're onto something."
Padgett: "She's only trying to get his attention, but doesn't know it."
The Unnatural
Scully: "So, um... I get this message marked urgent on my answering service from a Fox Mantle telling me to come down to the park, for a very special, very early or very late birthday present. I don't see any nicely wrapped presents lying around, so... what gives?"
Mulder (as they keep on hitting balls): "Ohh! That's good. All right, now what you may find as you're concentrating on that little ball, the rest of the world just fades away. All your everyday nagging concerns, the ticking of your biological clock. How you probably couldn't afford that nice new suede coat on a G-Woman's salary. How you threw away a promising career in medicine to hunt aliens with a crackpot -- albeit brilliant -- partner, your obscenely overdue triple-x bill, getting into the heart of a global conspiracy. Oh, I'm sorry, Scully, those last two are my problems, not yours."
Scully: "Shut up, Mulder, I'm playing baseball."
Fight The Future
Scully: "Are you drunk, Mulder?"
Mulder: "I was until about half an hour ago, why?"
Scully: "Was that before or after you decided to come here?"
Mulder: "Just what are you implying?"
Scully: "You don't need me, Mulder. You never have. I've just held you back. I've got to go."
Mulder (running after Scully):"If you wanna tell yourself that so that you can quit with a clear conscience, you can. But you're wrong."
Scully (turning back to him):"Why did they assign me to you in the first place, Mulder? To debunk your work, to rein you in, to shut you down."
Mulder: "But you saved me. As difficult and frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamned strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over. You kept me honest. You made me a whole person. I owe you everything, Scully, and you owe me nothing. I don't know if I want to do this alone... I don't even know if I can. And if I quit now, they win."
Mulder (shaking his head): "How many times have we been here, Scully? Right here? And now, after all the work that we've done, to be right back where we've started."
Scully: "Mulder, this is different."
Mulder: "No, it isn't. You were right to want to leave me. I'm not going to see you die for some hollow personal quest of mine. Go be a doctor. Go be a doctor while you still can."
Scully: "I can't . I won't. Mulder, I'll be a doctor, but my work is here with you now. That virus I was infected with, it had a cure. You held it in you hand. How many other lives can we save? Hey. If I quit now, they win."
Mulder: "If we fail to anticipate the unforseen and expect the unexspected, we may find ourselves at the mercy of anyone or anything that cannot be programed, categorized, or easily referenced."
Mulder: "What are we doing up here Scully? It's hotter than hell."
Scully: "Got you big time"
Mulder: "No, you didn't"

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