This site is dedicated to the growing amount of evidence that Aliens are taking over hollywood. There is also evidence that the amount of Aliens in professional sports is increasing at an alarming rate... But then again.. this only makes sense! Think about it, by putting themselves in the spotlight, where they have extreme amounts of money, power, and influence, they can gradually integrate into our society and take it over. I know this is hard to comprehend, but please try. I will list the growing amount of evidence regarding this expanding network of extra-terrestrials.



How to identify Aliens? There are many signs that one is an alien. One such sign is they are generally thin (unless they go through plastic/reconstructive surgery). The reason for this.. is that Aliens are highly sophisticated and efficient organisms, infact.. they don't eat food! From living millions of years in outter space, they've evolved the ability to photosynthesize (like plants, but much much more advanced). Their unique form of photosynthesis doesn't require carbon dioxide, they use only UV radiation and PAHs(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons(C24 H12)).

The alien's original planet was destroyed and they were forced to become nomads in outter space. Once they found our planet, they had found the perfect atmosphere to repopulate. IT's obvious that the aliens are slowly reshaping our atmosphere. Ever heard of global warming? Yeah, its true.. and its proof of alien life. The technological revolution that's occured in the past 200 years is a cooincidence you say? We went from donkeys and sticks to nanotechnology in a millenia?.. wrong! It's coincided directly with the arrival of alien life forms. The machines that have been produced were designed to slowly and unconspicuously turn our environment into one more suitable for alien life forms. The car's we drive, the power plants, and nearly all machines produce PAH's and other chemicals that eat away our atmosphere and allow more UV radiation to reach the aliens.

But i know what your thinking, aren't aliens green? well, yes and no. In their preferred environment, where radiation and hydrocarbons are in abundance, a chlorophyll like compound stores the energy absorbed in sites called hydrocarboplasts in their epidermal cells(which reflect green light and make them appear green). Our environment DOESN'T have enough of these UV/PAH waves/molecules and therefore they don't appear green on earth. I'll give this analogy: they are like plant leaves in the fall (on earth), but on their planet they are like plants in the summer (they retain their green color).

Now for the evidence! Here are some well known aliens, these pictures were taken with a camera and UV filter.


Okay, I hope I'm not the only one that has noticed how terribly freaky this guy is. Hey, if i was an alien.... what would be a good role for me to play in movies? Maybe I could play in a movie called spiderman... as some freaky looking "green goblin" that fly's around earth on a spaceship blowing stuff up... Maybe then people would totally ignore the fact that I REALLY am an alien.

(Sam Cassell, a famous NBA basketball player) as a side note, *notice the symbol on his shirt.. and his hat*? This picture was honestly not retouched, I couldn't make this up if I tried... he ACTUALLY was wearing a matching shirt and hat.. with a picture of some odd sun looking thing. I can only assume that this is some symbol which represents the alien's god or solar system in some way. Seriously, have you ever seen anyone (much less a black person) stupid enough to wear something like this? Urkel would'nt even touch this crap with a stick. Oh yeah, except for MICHAEL JACKSON, but we'll get to that later.. Hey, I make 3 million dollars a year, I think I'll go buy some matching/plain/godawful looking white t-shirt and hat combo.. with some goofy sun looking emblem thing on it?..makes sense?Look at the 2nd picture, HE'S ACTUALLY FLOATING ABOVE THE GROUND, THIS ISNT NORMAL..

..This is the lead singer of the musical group ALIEN ANTFARM. Thats right, they even named their band ALIEN ANTFARM, hint hint... Okay, can humans get any dumber.I'm sure that they ridicule our stupidity for fun. How much more obvious do they need to be. Do they have to name their next album "hey look at us, honest to god, we really are aliens.... and were not joking at all... we're being totally serious.. we've come to take over your planet. Listen to us now or we'll kill you all!" Okay, if this isn't enough proof for you.. their first single was a cover of "smooth criminal", a MICHAEL JACKSON song (another famous alien). I'm not even going to talk about the irony of the song being named "smooth criminal". Read the lyrics of the song...if you want to be really freaked out.

"So he came in through the outway It was sunday- but a black day"


Ladies and gentlemen, here he is. The king of all aliens himself. Think to yourself, If i were an ailen, what would I do to get in good favor with humans diplomatically? Well, you'd probably marry someone of royalty.. a princess maybe. You know, THE KING, Elvis Presley.. Lisa Marie Presley.. see where I'm going? You'd probably also want to be completely neutral of any race or gender. You'd be both black/white, male/female, young/old (amazing political move). This way, every single person would be able to relate to you in some way. Remember Michael Jackson's TRADEMARK move in the 80s, wasn't it called .. MOONWALK? Hey, I wonder where he could learn to moonwalk? If this isn't enough evidence, consider this: MICHAEL JACKSON HAS THREE KIDS, this is somewhat odd............................................................ considering the fact that ANYONE in their right mind knows that michael jackson has NEVER had sex with a woman, much less on multiple occasions.

Eddie George, not much to say here. I have just 3 words: big, freaky, alien.




David Bowie

Okay, if David Bowie isn't an alien.. then nobody is (not even michael jackson). Here's a little background info about David Bowie and the rise of ziggy stardust.

In 1971 several events happened: Three Soviet cosmonauts were found dead in their spaceship upon its return from earth. This same year apollo 15 astronauts explored the moon on a battery operated vehicle known as the lunar rover. Oh yeah...and David Bowie started his alter ego ZIGGY STARDUST and he eventually released "THE RISE AND FALL OF ZIGGY STARDUST AND THE SPIDERS FROM MARS"(the spiders from mars were his band). I seriously doubt these are all mere coincidences. Not to mention, any year in which Three Dog Night has the number one single of the year ("Joy to The World").... you can bet your bottom dollar that some supernatural forces are at work. Well, I think the pictures say more than words ever could, so i'll leave it at that. Anyone that can honestly try to deny the fact that david bowie is an alien needs slapped.


Okay, well this one is probably going to seem obvoius to most poeple.. since your at this site and your obviously catching onto the theme of things... I know what your thinking...His name is E.T.(extra terrestrial), surely anyone named that would be from some other planet...but your WRONG. It's time that I set the record straight...once and for all. E.T. WAS NOT ACTUALLY AN ALIEN, he was just a midget in a cleverly designed costume. This is just a hoax. If you want to see a real.. scary 80's movie... that actually has an alien in it, watch "Labrynth" starring David Bowie.


SLOTH from the goonies

Okay, your probably thinking sloth may be an alien... I mean after all.. he is kind of freaky looking, right? WELL yeah... he is freaky looking. But if you think that sloth is an alien, you totally didn't ready the beginning of my webpage. I clearly said that aliens AREN'T FAT and they DON'T EAT, those are two of the defining characteristics of aliens. In one scene from the movie, you can clearly see sloth eating part of a Baby Ruth candybar. Honestly, I have no clue what the hell Sloth is... but he's not an alien. One reasonable theory that ive come up with....... is that sloth was played by Linda Tripp before she got a hair piece.


This lady (credit goes to

Okay, I dont know who this is. I'm pretty sure shes not from around here... if you know what i mean. Hey, since when did carrot top have a dyke mullet?


Maria Shriver

could be? Either that or she just got back from touring with Kid Rock......



Celine Dion

From Canada Aye? Yeah.. sure.. nice try. Anyone that has talent and says their from Canada deserves to be scrutinized. Hey, I can't prove Celine being an alien... but i'm sure as heck not the only person who think so....check the link below for one of the many other people that think Celine isn't from Canada.



Various other People I suspect of having martian ties:

Shane Battier ..hey, I wouldn't doubt it

Steve Buschemi --- The mask was actually played by steve buschemi.. not Jim Carrey. Heres proof. Kind of ironic considering he helped SAVE the world in the movie "Armageddon", nice cover up attempt steve.... you almost had me fooled.

Billy Blanks - The taebo guy.

okay, taebo is clearly not an english word.... what language is it.. and what does it mean? Can anyone in the world answer these questions.. is this not suspicious to you? If you don't believe me yet, look at a picture I found of billy's first Taebo class:


People that most definitely aren't aliens:

..................this idiot

oh, and these idiots