And now part two (Yee haw, I know. Y'all just can't wait can you?)

The SP-Files (Part 2)

     "Mulder what do you hope to find here?" Scully asked impatiently as 
they arrived. She looked out of the passenger side window, but all that 
was visibly was white, powdery snow. The place was beginning to wear 
thin in the mind of Agent Scully.

     "Ronny Strickland," he said confidently. Scully looked at him in 
partial amazement and partial exasperation. She sighed as her facial 
expressions rendered no response from her determined partner. The two 
shut the doors of the Ford Taurus that was rented to them and proceeded 
through the entrance of the Idle Wheels trailer park.

     "What exactly are we looking for?" Scully asked as he opened the 
door to the office for her. She decided to give in because fighting with 
Mulder on this one would prove to be futile.

     "I don't know," he replied as he tapped the bell on the counter 
inside the office.

     "Can I help ya?" a tall overweight man inquired with forced 
politeness as he stepped out of the back room. He had shaggy hair and a 
defined jaw line. As he spoke, his mouth revealed a hint of an overbite.

     "Yes, I'm Agent Mulder and this is my partner Agent Scully, we're 
from the FBI," Mulder replied as both partners whipped out their badges 

     "FBI huh? Whatcha all want?" the man asked as he squinted to see 
the names on the badges. He lingered extra long at Scully's picture and 
smiled almost in recognition as she quickly put it away.

     "We were looking for a young man named Ronny Strickland. A little 
shorter than I am, stocky build, curly hair, lots of freckles. Have you 
seen anyone matching that description?" Mulder inquired, hoping for some 
kind of a lead.

     "Uh, nope. I don't reckon so. I mean lots of people come and go and 
it's hard to keep track of um you know? Is there anything else I could 
do for ya?" the manager responded. He smiled at Scully and she had the 
distinct feeling that she had seen him before.

     "Do you know if a pizza delivery boy lives in this area?" Scully 
asked, trying to insert herself into the conversation. She had a nagging 
suspicion that the manager was holding something back.

     "You know, one might, but I'm not quite sure. I see him here a lot 
either way. A lot of pizza's get delivered here," he answered. More or 
less dodging a definite answer.

     "Do you mind if we take a look around?" Mulder took control of the 
conversation once again.

     "Naw, go ahead. Y'all work for the federal government and I'm 
obliged to do anything I can for ya," he replied willingly, although 
Scully detected a slight hint of nervousness in his tone.

     "Thank you, Mr. uh…" Mulder said as he searched to remember the 
man's name.

     "I'm sorry, I never introduced myself. The name's Harold Lucwell," 
the manager replied apologetically. 

     "Well, thank you Mr. Lucwell. Will you be available if we having 
any further questions?" Mulder asked as he shook the hand of Harold 

     "I reckon so. If I'm not here, I'll be in town," he replied with a 

     "Thank you again for your time," Scully thanked the manager again 
as Mulder held the door to the office open for her. There was still 
something that didn't sit quite right with her. Why did the manager seem 
so vaguely familiar? And why did he seem a little nervous when he agreed 
to let them take a look around? What was he hiding?


     "Mulder, we've been here for two hours. Don't you think we would 
have found something significant by now?" Scully asked as another shiver 
ran through her body. She tried to remember the warning signs of 
hypothermia from her Medical school days.

    "Just a few more minutes Scully. There's only one trailer left and 
it definitely resembles the one that Ronny's aunt and uncle owned," 
Mulder pleaded like a ten year old that wanted to stay out just a little 
longer on a school night. 

     "Yeah, that's what you said about the other ten trailers that 
looked exactly like the one that Ronny Strickland's family owned," 
Scully mumbled in exasperation. She was cold, very cold. All she wanted 
was to get back to the motel and take a nice warm bath. She smiled at 
the thought.

     "Sarcasm will get you nowhere my dear," Mulder replied with a 
smirk. He approached the trailer door with extreme caution. He knocked 
rapidly and waited less than patiently for a reply. Finding none he 
turned to Scully for permission to try the doorknob. She just shrugged 
and blew air into her gloves, attempting to warm her numb hands.

     "Hello, anyone home?" Mulder asked as he tried turning the 
doorknob. As he had expected, the door opened quite easily. Mulder 
quickly pulled his gun as he stepped into the dark and silent trailer. 
He flipped the light switch next to the door and was almost delighted at 
the sight he saw. 

     Scully stepped past him into the trailer and sighed, "There has got 
to be another cause of this." She walked over to the body and checked 
the man's pulse. Nothing. Turning his head to the side revealed two 
small puncture wounds on his neck. She sighed again and silently refused 
to look at Mulder. She could feel the triumphant sparkle in his eyes as 
they burrowed a whole through her back. He undoubtedly had a smirk on 
his face and she just waited to hear the flippant comment that would 
accompany it.

     "Cause of death anyone?" Mulder asked as he strolled over to the 

     "Don't say it Mulder. I don't want to hear it. I'm not doing an 
autopsy either, since you seem to know exactly what this man died from," 
she replied. She was cold and tired, and was not pleased that Mulder's 
hunch appeared to be true. 

     "I wasn't going to make you do an autopsy because I do know what 
this man died from. There seems to be plenty of pizza left over," Mulder 
said as he held up the half-empty pizza box.

     "So where to now?" Scully asked, waiting impatiently to be whisked 
away in a possible wild goose chase.

     "We're off to talk to Pepe, of Pepe's Pizza Palace," he informed 
her as he held up the pizza box.


     "Hey guys. My mom said we can order a pizza," Cartman informed the 

     "Dude, shut up so we can hear the movie," Kyle replied as he only 
slightly pulled his attention away from the television screen.

     "Ok, I'll just go order the pizza then and you guys can sit here 
and keep watching the movie okay?" Cartman suggested.

     "Fine Cartman, just go order the damn pizza," Stan said, waving for 
Cartman to just hurry up and do it already. 

     "Cartman do this, Cartman do that, Cartman, order the goddamn 
pizza, Cartman, Cartman, Cartman," Cartman grumbled as he walked into 
the kitchen to order the pizza.

     "Dude, get the door. I bet it's the pizza guy," Stan yelled at 
Cartman without even lifting his eyes from the television screen.

     "Cartman do this, Cartman do that. Damn it, I am abused!" Cartman 
complained as he waddled to the door.

     "Did somebody order a pizza?" the delivery boy asked.

     "Yeah, here you go," Cartman said as he paid the pizza guy. 

     "Ok then, enjoy," the chubby pizza guy said. Cartman just snorted 
and slammed the door in his face.
     "Dude, was it that weird pizza guy?" Stan asked as her took a slice 
of pizza.

     "That guy creeps me out!" Kyle replied as he too took a slice of 


     "Yeah, we have a delivery guy with that description. He just took 
off on a delivery about twenty minutes ago," Pepe stated with concern in 
his voice.

     "What house was that to?" Mulder asked urgently.

     "Uh, the Cartman house," the owner replied as he looked over the 

     "Thank you sir. Come on Scully, let's go," Mulder yelled as he ran 
our of the pizza place.


     The boys sat, huddled against the couch, and silently observed the 
spinning room before them. Kyle tried to yell out to Cartman's mother, 
but couldn't find the strength. The front door creaked as a large 
individual stepped into the house. He made his way slowly towards the 
group of passed out third graders. He paused for a moment, as if to 
decide which boy would be the first victim. He decided on smallest to 
largest, that way, he wouldn't get too full too quickly. A pair of eyes 
examined the first prey. He quickly ripped off the boy's hood and sunk 
his teeth into the soft flesh. He licked his lips as the boy's lifeless 
body fell limp against the others. He silently contemplated which victim 
would be next in line. He towered over them and laughed at how easy his 
prey was caught.

     Bang! The door crashed open and the predator swung around to face 
the invaders. "Alright Ronny, hands up! Put your hands up and move away 
from the couch!" Agent Mulder shouted.

     "Do it now," Scully ordered, her gun aimed at Ronny Strickland's 
chest. Ronny put up his hands and started to move away slowly. As Mulder 
and Scully relaxed their grip on their guns, Ronny bolted for the door. 
Mulder chased after him and ordered Scully to take care of the boys. 
Scully could hear the sound of one car starting and then another. She 
hurried over to the huddled boys and began to shake the three living 

     The trio stirred from there sleep and rubbed their eyes warily. 
Stan looked over at Kenny's dead body and proclaimed, "Oh my god! He 
killed Kenny!"

     Kyle noticed Kenny's body as well and replied, "You bastard!" 

     "Do you boys feel alright?" Scully asked, being the concerned 
doctor that she is.

     "Yeah, I could go for a pie or some cheesy poofs right now though," 
Cartman answered.

     "Shut up fat ass! You ate all of the pie and cheesy poofs two hours 
ago," Stan informed him.

     "Oh," Cartman muttered.

        Scully's cell phone rang as the boys started another argument. 
"Scully", she replied with a sigh.

     "Scully, it's me. I lost him. He crashed the car and ran off into 
the woods near the trailer park. I'm going to start looking here, so 
come meet me in the trailer park office," Mulder informed her.

     "I'll be right there," Scully answered. She sighed as the boys 
yelled at each other.

     "Son of a bitch, I am not fat!" Cartman yelled as Scully closed the 
front door behind her.


     Scully entered the office of the Idle Wheels trailer park half 
frozen from her stroll though the streets of South Park. The manager 
greeted her with a warm smile. "Howdy ma'am. Your partner told me to 
tell you to wait here until he calls. Why don't you have a seat?"

     "Figures," Scully muttered as she plopped down in a waiting chair. 
She was ready to kill Mulder for ditching her yet again, and for taking 
their only mode of transportation.

     "You look real cold. Would you like some coffee to warm you up?" 
Mr. Lucwell asked with a grin.

     Scully smiled back and replied, "That would be nice. Thank you."

     He slipped into the back room and came out moments later with two 
mugs of steaming hot coffee. "Sugar or cream?" he offered.

     "No, thanks," she said, eager to take a sip of the warm liquid. Her 
throat was instantly thawed as she took a drink. "Mmm, thank you again."

     "My pleasure. You know, I didn't expect to see ya again so soon," 
Mr. Lucwell stated as he blew on his own coffee.

     Scully raised an eyebrow at this statement asked, "Excuse me?"

     "Well, I just didn't think y'all would track us down this easily. 
We really need to keep Ronny in check. And I apologize for doing this to 
ya again. I'm real sorry," he replied.

     The room began to spin as Mr. Lucwell took Scully's coffee cup. The 
reason that he seemed familiar suddenly dawned on her. Harold Lucwell 
was Sheriff Lucious Hartwell. "Mmm hmm," Scully murmured as her body 
went limp and the room went black.


     Agent Mulder silently lurked among the trailers. His finger rested 
on the trigger of his gun. A twig snapped in the distance. Mulder moved 
slowly towards the sound. He heard a trailer door close in the next row 
over. He held his breath as he rounded the corner. He slowly made his 
way around the corner trailer. The grip on his gun tightened quickly.

     "Alright you little bastard. Where are you?" he muttered as he 
prepared to open the door of Ronny Strickland's suspected hiding place. 
He quickly took a deep breath and swung open the door. He hopped inside 
and aimed his gun into the darkness of the trailer. A shadow swiftly 
moved in the darkness and lunged at Mulder. The figure tackled him and 
both went flying outside through the trailer door. 

      "I don't want to go through this with you Ronny," Mulder grunted 
as they struggled on the snow-covered ground. Ronny's eyes lit up in a 
glow and he opened his mouth as if preparing to bite Mulder. Mulder 
grabbed his gun which had fallen next to him and hit Ronny in the face 
with it. Ronny lay sprawled on the ground and Mulder pointed the gun at 
him. "Ronny Strickland, you are under arrest for the second time. You 
have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can an…" Mulder looked 
up momentarily to find himself surrounded by many pairs of glowing eyes. 
"Damn it not again."

     "Back away from the boy Agent Mulder," a tall member of the group 
ordered. The group closed in around him.

      Mulder backed away from Ronny and aimed his gun at the tall member 
of the group. "Don't come any closer," he yelled. The group did not 
comply. He twirled around and pointed his gun at various glowing eyes. 
"Stop or I'll shoot!" he yelled again. Mulder cried out as a sharp pain 
was felt in the back of his neck. His world turned black as he felt 
himself fall to the ground.


     Scully began to slowly stir from her slumber. She yawned and 
sluggishly opened her eyes to examine her surroundings. The room was 
dimly lit and sunshine peaked through the drapes on the window. She was 
laying on someone in a bed. The person had their arm around her and she 
was resting her head on their chest. She felt very safe and very 
comfortable. Sleep overcame her once more and she snuggled up closer to 
her companion in the bed.

     Mulder stirred in his surprisingly deep state of slumber. His mind 
went to work as he realized that he was not at home. His eyes refused to 
open, so he semi-consciously assessed his environment. He was lying in a 
bed. Someone was resting their head on his chest and he had his arm 
around them. He smiled as he began to stoke the person's soft hair. A 
content little sigh came from the person whose hair he was stroking. 
Mulder realized that last nights' sleep was the best he had in years. 

     Scully pulled herself out of sleep again and took a deep intake of 
morning air. She detected the sweet scent of something familiar. 
Something she enjoyed being around. She took another whiff and realized 
that the air smelled like someone rather than something. A smile pursed 
her lips as she realized whom it smelled like. "Mmm, Mulder…" she 

      "Mmm hmm," Mulder mumbled as someone called his name.

     Scully opened her eyes quickly as the person under her answered her 
call. She looked up at the face of her companion. Mulder felt the parson 
stir and looked down at her. They sprang apart faster than two dogs with 
the hose turned on them. Scully struggled to find words to fit this 
situation. Mulder was having the same problem. The two finally agree on 

     "I was drugged!"

The End

That's it... it's over (finally). Get your ass outta the chair and go 
for a walky walky or something. Damn it I said now! What a hypocrite 
huh? Yeah well, I'm just... procrastinating, what's your excuse?? Oh, 
shut up, I'm just joking. Really though, thanks for reading and have a 
nice day!!!
Props to Luc (Pookie) for the "Idle Wheels" Trailer Park!
Props to John (like the toilet) for "Pepe's Pizza"!
Props to Jennifer for putting up with me while I wrote this at work!
Props to my boss Linda for not yelling at me while I wrote this at work!
Props to my daddy for getting me the job!
Props to Stacie because she'll always tell me that my writing is good, 
even though I know it blows, but what are best friends for (I miss 
Props to Michelle and Kristin for not ridiculing me for spending so much 
time on the damn computer!
Props to Sean for imitating Cartman to well!
Well, I'm out... LATER!!!