Latest Update: Tuesday, August 07, 1999. |
Well, book 3 has been pushed back a week, no big deal. The release is now targeted for the 11th of August. Also, the #2 Gold Foil variant is currently available. Another Universe has it for $10 US, (+$5 shipping). Any of you variant collectors out there, like myself :), should deffinetly add this one to your collection.
Well, for those of you who have been here before, you may have noticed a new look to the site, and for those of you who are visiting for the first time, I welcome you. Please enjoy your stay and feel free to post on the Message Board or send me some E-mail.
You'll have to expect some changes and loose ends on this page for a little while as I try and get things organized. Some links may down / broken some may work fine. It pretty much changes on the hour so come on back and take a look at the changes.
 Issue number 3 is scheduled to arrive in your local comic mart on Wednesday, August 11 1999. Due to problems in the inking department it had been previously delayed. After this issue, the comic switches to a bi-monthly schedule. |