X-Day is a day of celebration for all fans of the Marvel X-Books.
Celebrated on September 23rd, X-Day celebrates the anniversary of the
publishing of the first X-Book, The X-Men. To show their appreciation
for these comics, X-Fans find creative ways of demonstrating their enjoyment
of the X-Books to the general public. Submissions of comic inspired art,
fiction and web-sites are accepted and sometimes even compete for prizes. X-Day
was started in 1996 by X-Fan Josh Wheeler. To learn more about the history of
the X-Day Celebration, visit our X-Day History Page.

Uncanny X-Men #1
This year we had 31 Entries in the FanArt submissions, 30 FanFic entries and 52 Website entries! I would say that despite it's delays, this year's competition was a terrific success. Of course, the submissions will remain linked till the end of X-Day (which hopefully wont be for a few years yet...) so if you want to
read some great FanFiction, see some images worthy of gracing a comic book
or travel to websites full of incredible images and extraordinary
amounts of information, you really need to see those
This year's X-Day Submissions will be accepted beginning August 16th - one
month before the start of the X-Day Celebrations. If you want to enter your
X-Related Art, Fiction or Website in the 1999 X-Day Competition, you need
to read the NEW X-Day Rules and then submit your work. Any problems with the
submission form or questions about the competition itself can be directed
to the X-Day judges at xday_1999@hotmail.com
There will be three categories for submissions for this year's X-Day event
- FanFiction and Poetry
- Fanart and Graphics
- Websites
Each person may submit three works in each category. If you are interested in
submitting some form of appreciation for the contest, you should visit the
Rules of Competition page. Then you can use the
Submission Form to notify the X-Day Managers. Please
note that THE RULES HAVE CHANGED! and it is
your responsibility to read and understand them.
You can help make X-Day great, by letting people know about the X-Day competition. The more people who know about X-Day and compete in or help out with the event, the more fun X-Day will be for everyone. Please let your friends, relatives and anyone else who might be interested in X-Day know about the competition.
If you support the X-Day cause, please show it by placing this image and a link back
to this site on your web page. For more information on the X-Day event, or to
request further information on the X-Day celebration, please mail xday_1999@hotmail.com or pipik@mtu.edu Shannon will get back to you as soon
as she can.