Welcome to Mandya's web site.

This site is dedicated solely to myself and the few mates I have left.. thats about, oh, three people? ^_^

NOTICE!!!!! We're moving home! Oh yes! No more geoshitties! And I'll try and keep the midi and gif use down to a minimum! ;) Watch this space for the address of the new website coming soon!

I would just like to say hewwo! to my wonderful: Raaaaay, Rozwell and Shannon (MEZZ-BEAR!!!), the GD guys, the DP guys and the BG guys... am I missing anyone? Oh well I guess ye aint that important then! ;) Ciao!

This site will forever be under construction and so not up to it's full potential! So bear with me and don't expect anything other than a flashing gif and midi monstrocity!! It's always being updated though so come back and visit regularly! (Blatant lie) And bear in mind that this site has been up summit like 8 years now and I've just turned 20 so I do have to work from the foundations I made as a 12yr old! Plus there was the little matter of GCSEs, A-levels and now University...(Nb. final year.. .dissertation... argh! >_<)

Feel free to visit the start I made on the new site (basically photos) at:


Please also feel free to visit my Masanobu Ando fansite at:
