It all started When I called my sister on wednesday to tell her that I was going to throw a party on friday (7-9-2004). My parents were leaving thursday and My sister immediately said "If you're going to have a party, have it on Saturday." I had been planning this for friday for a long time, so I said that I'm having it on friday. She said "OK I'll go sleep at grandma's house." My grandparents live next door so it's no big deal. Friday rolled around and my parents left a message on the home phone saying that they were probably coming home friday night. So I scrambled and decided to throw the party in the woods. People showed up and went to the woods, but then people left the woods and migrated out to the road. So I decided to pack everything up and head back to the house. It was passed 10:00 and my parents said they'd probably be home by 9 or 10. So we got DDR set up and people started playing DDR. Everyone had already had a few beers in them and most of the alcohol was gone. We didn't have much to begin with. All of a sudden my sister came outside and started tweaking out on people. There was a girl there who was probably about 16 and my sister just started going off on her. This girl was trying to explain that she's not even drinking and that she's just talking and my sister is like "What are you 14?" As if that was a crime. And then starts bitching at the girl. So The girl talked to Eric, her ride, and wanted to leave immediately. I went inside and then people started saying that my sister was videotaping people. This was very creepy behavior. Desirae said she was hungry so I went up to get her some food. My sister was videotaping people from out of the window. I asked her what she was going to do with the tape and she said she hadn't decided yet. So I started talking to her and saying "If you need sleep, why don't you go over to grandma's like you said you would do. You're not going to get any sleep over here." She said "I'm awake now." I asked her what her problem was. She said that she had a problem with under-aged drinking and that I was an alcoholic because I had drank two weekends in a row. This was absurd since drinking two weekends in a row does not make a person an alcoholic, especially when you don't drink most weekends anyway. It also made her a hypocrite since she's the one who keeps the fridge stocked with Bacardi malt beverages and will drink atleast one many nights in a row on a regular basis. I told her taht drinking two weekends in a row hardly makes me an alcoholic and she told me that denial is the first step. She said she was going to call the police and started dialing the phone. After all of this very strange behavior I was not going to let her ruin the lives of my friends and I. I knew that she could use that tape against them and show it to the police. I knew I had to get the tape from her so I grabbed the camera. She wouldn't let go so I began beating on her arms until she did. Finally the camera was thrown across the room and I ran after it and grabbed it. She started screaming at me as I walked outside and told everyone that she was calling the cops. Everyone scattered and left. I received a laceration on my forehead about 1 inch long that was bleeding profusely. I grabbed my laptop and camera and packed some people in my car and we all left. I passed Earl on the way out. I started talking to him. Matt and his load of people in his car came by and we all agreed to meet at Sven's house. So we all went to Sven's, drank the rest of the beer, and then I took Desirae and Dan and James Lewis Home. I stayed at James Lewis' and we walked around Palmer the next day. I left my cell phone at home on my rush out, but I was afraid to go home. So at about 10:00 pm I went home and my sister wasn't home. I fed the dogs and gave them water and let them out, and then I went to sleep, woke up the next morning and went to work in anchorage. I checked my cell phone messages at work and got a bunch of messages from my mom telling me to pack my bags and get the hell out. She said that my sister told her that I had erased the message at home that my mom left telling me to pack my bags and get the hell out, yet I checked no such message machine and received no such message. Apparently my sister said I beat her up, but I left the struggle in worse shape than she was. So this is my story. My sister is mentally ill, and she has turned my parents against me, and they believe every fucking word she says. I hate my sister and I hope that some day in the very near future she drops dead.