Linux and Open Source Linux FreeBSD OpenBSD NetBSD Apache Web Server Open - MS Office K Office - MS Office KDE Gnome K3B - Nero, Roxio easy CD creator GFTP - Cute FTP, Flash FXP Mozilla - Internet explorer, Netscape Tight VNC - WinVNC Kopete - Trillian gtk-gnutella - Shareaza, Limewire Limewire XMMS - Winamp Audacity - Cool Edit Pro MPlayer - Windows Media Player Xine - Win DVD KPaint - MS Paint The Gimp - Adobe Photoshop, Paintshop Pro Define proprietary Define Open Source Define Operating system Linux History: Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds beginning in 1991 with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License , the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone. Linux and Windows proprietary vs opensource uses of linux software development tools for - Perl, C, C++, Java, Python Various types of servers - Apache Web Server (powers 50% of worlds web servers) desktop programs some popular games Linux Programs comparable to windows programs This freedom has made it possible for hardware vendors to develop drivers for their particular devices without having to obtain an expensive source code license or sign restrictive non-disclosure agreements. And it has made it possible for computer science students around the world to see the insides of a real, commercial-quality operating system. Some distribution vendors make their complete distribution, including installation software, available for free on the Internet. Others elect to make their installation software proprietary and sell the package with support for a nominal fee---generally under $100. ID software: Doom 3. Unreal Tournament 2004, Neverwinter Nights, Serious Sam, Medal of Honor and America's Army:Operations Cedega is a product from Transgaming Corp. that allows you to play many A-list games on Linux with minimum effort. Of, relating to, or suggestive of a proprietor or to proprietors as a group: had proprietary rights; behaved with a proprietary air in his friend's house. Exclusively owned; private: a proprietary hospital. Owned by a private individual or corporation under a trademark or patent: a proprietary drug. A method and philosophy for software licensing and distribution designed to encourage use and improvement of software written by volunteers by ensuring that anyone can copy the source code and modify and distribute it freely.