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Welcome to my Home.. Here among my pages you will find some of my favorite role play art, as well as links to RPG Chats, RPGames, and homepages like mine, including my twin brother's FoulsBane.
He and I love playing characters who walk the dark path. So we have set out to create pages catering to those of you like us, because we know how tough it can be to find information on all the different Dark Beings in RPG.
For all the Dirt on Drow and more click on the FoulsBane link below. For more about me read my bio below.
I am Moswen Hytheshade. Daughter of the Drow Warrior Tyrale, and the Drow HighPriestess of Lloth Mauslen. The death of my parents left me and my twin brother FoulsBane, the only surviving members of our Clan.
Here is my story..........
I was born only moments before my brother some 75 yrs ago (still an adolescent by the standerds of my elven kind).My brother and I were inseperable, we played , studied the magic of my people and recieved our education side by side. Never did we stand alone. So it was until some 20 yrs had passed, and the time for my brothers fostering came. He was to go into the house of another clan to train as a Warrior and Weapons Smith, and I was to stay in the house of my parents, there to be groomed by my mother to serve our Goddess Lloth the Spider Queen. Bane and I did not take this parting well..
As the the first years went by, my parents seeing I was inconsolable, decide to take me with them on one of their many scouting trips above ground..Little did we all realize, as we said our goodbyes to my twin, that this would be our last moments together as a whole family.
The World Above to me was filled with wonderous and fearful delight. So excited by it, I soon forgot the loneliness of missing my brother.
Some six or seven days out, as we trailed a band of forest elf hunters, in hopes of catching afew stragglers for the slave markets, My world came crashing down.
As my mother and I studied and gathered the precious herbs, grown only above our dark world, my father scouted the trail ahead of us. Suddenly from out of the woods around us sprang the very band we were tracking. My mother pushing me behind her, to shield me, began weaving her spells of protection about us...but before she could utter the binding words a rain of arrows flew from the trees around us.
Just as she fell dead at my feet I heard my fathers anguished war cry echo through the forest, looking up I watched him fell many of the attackers with his mighty Drow Swords, as he tried vainly to fight his way to me. Finally exshausted and overwhelmed I saw him fall as well...his death cry, my mothers name, was the last thing I remember of that awful day.
So great was my grief all memory of who and what I was, vanished.
Seeing I was but a child, and having lost all awareness of myself, the forest elves took me and gave me to be fostered to a childless warrior and his wife.
There I remained, growing up unaware among the very people who slew my parents, and ripped me from my home and birth right.
I grew strong and learned the art of the warrior from my fostered father, who had no other child to pass it on to. Still, though I felt out of place and strangely different, it did not occure to me that I was of another race of elves...yes my skin was as blue-black as pitch, my hair as white as the snows that came each year, and my eyes ebony like the wings of the raven, but I did not give it pause...Until some 15 yrs later as I reached mature adolescents...
One late night, after the village had gone to sleep, I sat outside my hut, as I was prone to do each night, looking at the sky. There I sat for some few hours, until I began to doze. When standing up, to retire, my foot struck something hard that had worked its self up from under the earth. Kneeling down to inspect it I felt a smooth cold metallic surface. So I began digging furiously with my hands, clawing and scratching the dirt until at last I had uncovered my treasure.
There in my hands I held the armor and swords of my dead father...the memories rushed over me like waves upon the shore...and I knew by the Goddess I remembered it all..
So suddenly did I become enraged, that in my attempt to silence a scream, I bit into my tongue, and as my
mouth filled with the hot blood of anger and pain, I came to know the Rage of the Beserker.. In that Rage that few, ever experiance, I took the justice that was my due..From hut to hut I fed the beserker rage, taking every man, woman, and child in their slumber.
Finally Justice and Revenge where mine..
Donning my fathers armor and swords, I set out to find my lost life and brother, or in failing that, to make a new place for myself in other strange worlds.
Little did I know that not only would I find in these worlds, the power of my beserker nature, my brother and my kin, but also the sweet imortal embrace of a Vampire...And so ends my tale, I stand before you; A full fledged Beserker Drow Vampire a rarity among Elven kind.