Welcome to the Captain's Hidden quiz. Hidden in the YODA picture is a quote from Star Trek. Tell me who said it, to who, and in what episode. A clue - second season and 2 main characters. Send entry to normal email address with the subject title of NOW! in Funky "Opal Fruits" colours..* on selected pages.(Please see footnote) -->
10 Welcome - to the Captain's Table 45
I'm afraid you'll have to provide the Pearl and Dean music..
baba baba babababum bum bababa babaaaaaaa BUM!

Welcome Stoners looking at T-Shirt designs. Thank you for actually taking the effort to click on this link. As a reward, click here and add the secret message as the subject to win a prize! Thanks again.

Important Message from Captain...
An official announcement from your favorite AWOL alien.
Hello fans. And a BIG sorry to you all for leaving you for so long. I'm not fully finished updating this site yet, but this is the begining.
I recveived an E-Mail from a surfer who wished to be called "Brian" who gave me an idea for a new page. Work has begun, and will be posted HERE as soon as it's completed.

PLEASE keep your letters rolling in, they always provide me with new material, and let's face it - I can make even the smallest giggle become an entire page of boredom!
A big HELLLO to all you new surfers out there, who have only recently disovered me. It's not like this normally, honest. (No, it's usually worse!)
Anyway, without any further ado.. On with the show!

This site is created in association with our good friends at the House of Mingo (South Chowstons finest Cantonese drive-thru take-away Restaurant Brothel Bingo Hall.)
Meanwhile here's a picture of yours truly.
Welcome to the Captain's Hidden quiz. Hidden in the YODA picture is a quote from Star Trek. Tell me who said it, to who, and in what episode. A clue - second season and 2 main characters. Send entry to normal email address with the subject title of 'Spock and Kirk contest'

Read... The letter page!
We get a lot of fan mail here, and here is some of it to prove it!
Feel free to join in any correspondance.
Send me an email!
Well these are letters, aren't they?!

Read... the captain's logs!
Everybody's favorite alien Captain Stable presents his logs.. a fascinating and wonderful insight into the real freak behind the alien.
A weekly account of the major events in my serach to return home, along with humorous observations, and a list of CD's in my cd player, and major purchases made in the week. Updated most Tuesdays or thursdays..
Can YOU work out how my stardate system works?
If so send me an email! Correct or funniest answers each week win a banana!
Eeehh Mavis, I dont fancy yours much!

The Internet Bingo will be up and running soon..Signup NOW to get your FREE game card. .

Just send me a message with BINGO in the subject and I'll send you your unique game card. Then just check back here every few days and see if your numbers are up! Please note - These numbers are generated RANDOMLY and may be repeated..
Sign up NOW and join the Blue Rinse brigade!

Eye-spy 2003 soon to be updated
Returning for it's third sucessful year, the game that has sweapt the internet, and made surfing a total craze. It will be running soon!

Click HERE to see the rules. Happy hunting!
Can you find Shakey on the net??

Mystic Man-at-the-bar
Our old friend and internet Guru "The Man at the Bar" returns to write exclusivly for us.

He has sat infront of his crystal pint glass and seen the future (or so he tells us.) He spills the beans here.
Ok so it's not Mystic meg... It;s Mystic Meg Ryan... close enough??

Photo piccies page!
Well, I we haven't been yet - but here's a look back at some fond memories of yesteryear

Captain Stable's Intergalactic Tour '93 in it's proud photo moments.. the pahe may take a moment to load - so bear with it - please :)
Almost missed the Taxi!

Music news!!
Not trying to jump on the bandwagon at all (no.. honest) but following extensive trials and tribbleations I have finally wheened down from 1000 hopefuls the 5 new members of my all singing, all dancing pop band!

We present the worlds first Robotic Trubute band to Hear'say... complete with their first single!
This picture has nothing to do with the article at all, but it's Jim Steinman!!! :)

The Star Wars Bible!
Miracle Web Publishing Proudly presents.... The ULTIMATE star wars Bible!!!

Ok, I know it's not knew - but only 3 people have read it and it's been there almost a year!! Go on - it's nice! It's the story of Star Wars told in a new and unique style :)
Aaaahhh look, it's that little baby again. Look at his little koochie eyes! wootchie wootchie coootchie cooo Captain!!

It's a fact.. ain't it?
Captain Stable proudly presents... a feature we affectionatly called.. Bullshit or not?
A list of true facts! Or are they??
Oh Gladys would you look at that! Call that a nice picture? In our day Internet Logo's were proudly displayed, not tucked away. And they used Flash on their sites too..

The Captain's Mass-Debate
It was in 1993 that Jim Steinman finally worked with Meat Loaf again and produced a hit album entitled "Bat out of Hell 2 - back into Hell" which sporned several hit singles. One of those singles was entitled "I'd do anything for Love (But I won't do that)".
So - what exactly would meat loaf NOT do for love? Add your arguments to the mass-debate.
So - what would Meat Loaf NOT do for love??
Kill her husband
Read a book
Eat a Tuna and Beetroot sandwich
Stop loving her
Drive to Albuquerque
Dress like a banana and put an orange on his head
well... just "that"!

View the Results
Message Area
Eeehh I say Gladys. Is that a big hairstyle on the left there, or just a bad picture? and what of that Chez-Longe.. Like Furniture Out of Hell...

The Man at the Bar.
Your problems solved by our expert agony uncle drunk.
Let him help you with YOUR problems..
Oh Gladys would you look at that! Call that a nice picture? In our day Internet Logo's were proudly displayed, not tucked away. And they used Flash on their sites too..

Another new on-line game!
Ok so "Find the Fish" wasn't enough for you eh? well.. clicke on Spock here to see the details of another on-line game!
A sort of combination of "Find the Fish" and "Eye-Spy" (for those of you old enough to to remember my Eye-spy game..) Oh - and what do you mean you've read nothing about "Find the Fish?" It's all there on ther page you just jumped from.. go on.. go back and read it...
Ooohh Gladys, look at the expression on that. When we was kids we was never allowed to scowl like that!

CYBER-BANANA'S! The greatest craze to hit the Internet since E-Mail! (*)(allegedly)
Learn more about this boring yet amusingly shaped fruit by rubbing my banana on the right..
MAVIS! Look! I aint seen one like that since my Sidney died.. Blass his heart. Mind you they wern't as small as this when I was young. Huge great strappers we had then. With leather attachments and everything. None of this new fangled Safe Sex malarky.

Newcastle United FC official web site.
Howay the lads - Come on the Toon army - Tits oot for the lads!
The picture (right) is me scoring a goal during a recent try out with Al and the lads
Football. It's a funny game. And look at that European on the left. They should never allow them over here you know, bloody foreigners. Lock them up I say, Gladys.

An apology by Miracle to Britany Spears.
Captain stable and Miracle web publishing formally apologise to Ms. Spears and her lovely manager for copyright infringment..
read all about it here..
 Mavis quick! Look at the young scallywag! She's hardly wearing anything. She'll catch her death you know. Young people today. They dont know they're born

The Man at the Bar.
Your problems solved by our expert agony uncle drunk.
Let him help you with YOUR problems..
Oh Gladys would you look at that! Call that a nice picture? In our day Internet Logo's were proudly displayed, not tucked away. And they used Flash on their sites too..

The Saga Begins!
An hilarious song by "Wierd AL Yankovic.
If your a Star Wars fan.. You GOT to see this!
I know Mavis, Look at him. He's not had a decent meal for years.

The Shamus Page.
My little nephew's dedication page :)
NOW with Video!
Aaaaaawwwwww. Look at him.. He's got his fathers eyes.

The Miracle Page.
Miracle web Publishing Homepage
The home of quality-made web sites.. If it's a good site.. it's a MIRACLE!

One of the finest star wars pages I have found
Updated Daily - can you keep up?
Look at them there. Just look. Breaking the speed limit I bet. I suppose that fat one's smoking hash. They all do you know, smoke hash. Not in my day we didnt. And you could leave your doors open at nights. But these new five pee's...(etc etc etc)

And finally....
Some more pages of greatness which are hidden away within this site..
The Awards Page
The Conspiracy Theory Page
Learn all about me
Vote in my Vote of the Month!
Use my Geordie-Talker to make Star Trek phrases!
Communicate with me!
An apology from Miracle about...Britany Spears!
Miracle Web Publishing Home Page!
Sign my Olympic Petition
Wot the critics said..
I say! These new fangled rubbish bins. They were'nt like this in our days. In my rubbish bin you could put hot ashes without fear of the plastic melting.

© 2000-2001 Miracle Web Publishing - An Original Captain Stable production. Some images are borrowed from the Alta-vista image search facility. No copyright infringment is intended. If you own copyright to a particular picture and object, please let me know and I shall remove it from this site. Thank you.
Hey - drop me a line and say "Hello".