| | I
like my friends who are being along with me in my ups and downs, You
guys are the treasure of my life. And it is time to say
"Thank You" to all of you!
F.5A 中五甲班

I have spent at least 2 years with you guys. The days in
preparing the school cert. are hard and tough, finally ,we had went trough
them!! We shared every moment during the lessons, the interesting and also
the dull ones. The same feeling and thoughts we had in these 2 years, you know
me well and so am I .
Chinese --> A very nice teacher ,Miss Lee. She is sooooo
English --> I should really give my heartful thanks to her.
She really did much for us. ( We had no English lessons in F.4, remember? )
A.Maths --> past paper+ marking scheme every days. Thanks for
Miss Fong. It is you who made us finish the recent 10 years past paper. And
thanks for lending your calculator to me.
Physics --> Needless to say......Miss Kong is good, CCK is
Chemistry --> What we should do is to clean the blackboard
before the lessons, as slow as possible!! The reason is to waste some time and
to make the lessons become shorter. However, it didn't work much for us.
We had a nap instead. Actually, it really doesn't matter as we slept during
lessons, as all of us went for K.Kwong. That's why I like K.Kwong!
Biology --> I like Biology. It is so marvelous!!
Computer --> Self-study lesson. It allow me to have more time
to study other subjects.
Out of the blue, I would miss the days in CE. I am a bit
frustrated as I lost my target afterwards. And everything seems to happen so
fast!! Am I crazy? Or you share my feeling?
Maybe we will not be in the same class after F.5, but we had the greatest
time, the hardest time. The memory is forever!!
<<告別校園時>> 李克勤
一天一天的我在期待放學 一轉眼卻要告別校園
終於終於不懂得老師所講 祇知道
終於終於不需要再管積分 祇恐怕
* 這校園 這班房 這走廊 這禮堂 告別時
到未來 那一方 人飄泊 路茫茫
* # OOh... 曾同遇上 今孤身走遠方 誰願這樣
OOh... 昂然踏上 雖分開走遠方 明晨能共創 #
Repeat * # #
Gabby, Edith, Tracy

We didn't change much! 連企位都一樣呀!
Though Gabby is not in the same class with us, our
friendship is kept close. Go shopping, swimming, studying together are
the routine of life! Just 3 of us are friends forever.
Really need to thanks you very much. 原來我地幼稚園個時已經識,真有緣!
go ahead! I will be in your side too.
Angie and Iris
好人就係人都知,有乜困難都會盡力幫忙.不愧年年都獲選為好學生!哈哈.有時有d無聊煩惱,搵佢傾下會好舒服,你份關懷真係溫暖我個心呀!! 係 study leave 既期間先同Iris熟,一齊係教會溫書,仲會不時向我傳導.佢最鍾意既就係食物就係芒果,溫溫下就會食一個,仲成日引誘人食Tim.佢都好Nice,好直,而且好大方.例如有d野我忍受唔到既佢都會接受到.
Cirkie + Shermen + Clara + Mr. Nine + Sharon
Cirkie :
HA. Shermen: A mature girl.
You are my 知心友!
Clara + Mr. Nine :
一對小情侶,興趣係咬人,我試過俾佢地係一日內咬超過三十啖,換來既係一隻Casper公仔同一個星期都未散既x痕,攪到我成個禮拜都要著長袖衫.你地真係天生一對,咬功十足,同樣變態,唉!世風日下... Sharon
ga ma. 叉叉: 你要努力呀,唔好衰俾人睇. 晶晶:鍾意方力申42寸胸肌既你,都要努力,唔好成日迷戀方生.下次再見你個時再慢慢傾!
大家不妨去 http://tracytso.friendtest.com
Get full marks of course are my good friends: Gabby + Yvonne ( Daniel 唔算),
Edith竟然唔知我轉左電話,冇計,係 study leave 都冇見大家.
HKIS 2000 - High Achievers - G4
Hong Kong International School , High Achievers
alphabetical order! Haha |
year 2000 the Summer vacation , I attend the HA-programme in the Hong
Kong International School for 3 weeks. 4 hours Mathematic lesson and 2
hours English lesson each day . And there is recreation time in
afternoon . My Maths teacher is Mr. Richard Seitz who us from Montana
USA. He likes to talk about his home country very much .Haha. My English
teacher is Kenny .He is really a nice guy !He would with play us in the
recreation time !
School Bus takes
me to school and back home . I wake up at 6:00 am and back at 6:00pm
.The days are really tiring that I need to do my assignment at midnight,
I only have 6 hours to sleep. But I still enough my days.
I have met many
new friends there who are from different schools . They are so
nice that they are willing to help me!^_^Many funny events happened to
me , and I have a happy time every day .15 days are really such a short
time .......
to leave ,unable to stay!"
~ written by me in F.3 Summer, just finish the courses |
Though it is already two years time, I still
miss the days in HKIS. It was the most beautiful and lovely summer.
I learnt a lot in this beautiful campus, and I remember all the
happiness there, having Maths competitions and building the tipi.
I made a lot of good friends in my class, 17 of us plus Mr. Seitz and
Kenny ^_^. Though many of you are such important people and are so
busy for studies or for club activities, I still have contact with
some of you. Maybe it has been a long time we haven't seen, but I still
treat you as my genuine friends. You those are really great, very intelligence and nice to
me. I get a lot from you guys. Hope to see you again and to remember
the three weeks and every moment we shared. I will be missing you. Finally,
I wish all of you every success in every ways. |
Wanna read the icq info of eveyone? I found
it in the old homepage.
我愛Hong Kong
International School and HAP 2000.
雖然仲剩下2日,但我好開心有你o地這 friend!!!
為Class G,無論幾辛苦,都無所謂la!!!
"G4 is the best!!!"
A famous person has left
us today. He isn't any dominating politician, nor is he a sports figure or
buisness tycoon, cuz u'll never see him in the financial page. But he was
one of the greatest man who ever lived. He's Mr. Seitz.
"Heterosis perse is a viability stimulus". Look for different
things in life, make your perspective wider. Indulge yourself,work hard,
play hard. Work gives you satisfaction and play is good for the soul.
Farewell Mr. Seitz.
我捨不得你 yeah yeah
我永遠都唔會忘記我地o係 HKIS o既日子ga
I can't forget u all
I can remember the competition...Which make me understand i m not that
Also i found Genius is so Genius....
I can't forget George say "Hi, im George."
And also his 講道
in lunch time...
And i can' forget What i explain in front all of u, Though i know u would
understand what i mean...
When the Tipi fall down ....i felt very despair....But i know i hv already
try my best..
I would never forget any of u...
From Lok
朋友 抱擁告別明天各自遠飛
難得 並沒傷感依依不捨顧慮
重拾昨天 樂趣一堆
曾經 每一天相約找美麗去
陶醉 美的故事互相勉勵去追
曾經 望著天空一起哭泣至睡
臨別說起 亦笑相對
別了依然相信 以後有緣再聚
未曾重遇以前 要珍惜愛自己
就承諾在某年 某一天某地點 再見
I miss you all
i remember
i remember all these days
i remember the tipi
i remember mr.seitz
i remember helen
i remember kenny
i remember how we cheat in the class competitions~~hehe
i remember daily problems & freewrites
i remember genius terry, beauty timothy, nice addy, excellent kay,
splendid joyce, crazy tracy~~hehe, diligent shirley, lovely karen, father
george, silly lok, funny angus, ex-canadian adrian, strong carl, strange
ivan, little cherry, mother-like belinda
Seitz & Kenny 要返番U.S
2000 in HKIS
以後有緣再聚 未曾重遇以前 要珍惜愛自己
The Feelings Still Remain
This is love
Haha, it really recalls a lot of memory to me. |
Special Friends
Dora + Carmen
--> My good friends in UK. They will be back during
holidays and we would play a lot together. Again, good friends need not
to meet so often but spirit is always stand by us. |
Bwe Bwe --> 你去左邊呀??I lost all
the news about you! |
Natalie --> My good good cousin. We would chat about anything,
it is sooooo free. And work hard on your studies! Add oil! |
E.T -->
want to believe- by X-files |
Jay --> My friend in Australia. So
Let me write in English as he has probably forgotten Chinese already. He
is so nice and willing to listen to my silly things. Just it is good to
chat with you. Enjoy your days there! ^_^ And hope you will continue to
listen my silly things, will you? |
Sister Tracy --> I help him
to get this name , Tracy. In fact, Tracy can be used as a boy or a girl
name. He treats me as his brother and so I treat him as my sister in
return. He holds an aphorism in his life, "my life is like a box of
chocolate, I never know what I gonna get", that is by "Forrest
Am I right? ^_^ |
--> My friend in US who likes
to play hockey (roller but with a puck), guitar. His favorite bands are incubus, metallica, boy seys fire, AFI, tool, led zeppelin, pantera.
And he would say ,"if the only person who can stop u from crying is the one who makes u cry
,they are not worth it ......", So do u agree with it? Well, I
think it is quite right. |
Chiu --> My friend who is now
studying Human Science in University College of London. Thanks for your
postcard when you are traveling in Paris. |
--> I am 太后. You are 小安子. |
--> Michael asked me to write about him here. Now I did! haha |
Thanks for giving me the software to make my homepage. ^^ |