Spiffcentral Sound

Hello. I assume you came from Spiffcentral Sound (on Tripod). This page contains all the songs you couldn't download from that page. Geocities has some safeguard against downloading stuff from them if the user's not on a Geocities page. Oh well. Hopefully it wasn't too much of a hassle for you to come here. I plan to move the whole Spiffcentral Sound to Geocities, making it much more convenient (I noticed that almost all my songs are here now), but there are a lot of songs to move, so it'll take a while.
Volume 1:
Soundtrax & mp3's
Volume 2:
WWF themesongs
Volume 3:
WCW themesongs
Return to Spiffcentral
Spiff Sound on Geocities

Ratings are from * to *****
".5" represents 1 half *.



The 1-2-3 Kid1.3 MB***.5
Babylon 5 (season 5) 215 KB*****
BaddAss Billy Gunn1.9 MB*****
Batman (cartoon)144 KB*****
Batman & Robin (cartoon)135 KB*****
The Big Bossman1.2 MB*****
The Big Show650 KB****
Breathe1.27 MB*****
The Cat733 KB***.5
Chyna522 KB***.5
The Corporate Ministry904 KB*****
D-Generation X1.2 MB*****
Duel of the Fates1.7 MB*****
The End is the Beginning is the End2.1 MB*****
Gangrel1.7 MB*****
Ghost in the Shell644 KB****.5
Goldberg653 KB****
The Hardy Boyz340 KB***.5
Hollywood Hogan1.2 MB*****
Hunter Hearst Helmsley2.2 MB*****
The Imperial March1.2 MB*****
Jurassic Park497 KB****
Juventud Guerrera1.1 MB****.5
Kane3.9 MB*****
Kanyon272 KB****.5
Ken Shamrock3.9 MB****.5
Meng1.4 MB*****
Men in Black431 KB*****
Mortal Kombat489 KB****
Need for Speed1.95 MB*****
Nightmare Before Christmas555 KB*****
Owen Hart220 KB*****
Perry Saturn429 KB*****
noitareneG txeN ehT :kerT ratS4.4 MB*****
The nWo312 KB*****
Record of Lodoss War148 KB***.5
Rey Mysterio, Jr. (no lyrics)1.1 MB*****
The Rock (prev.)1.9 MB****
The Rock (current)2.2 MB*****
Steve Blackman (prev.)825 KB***.5
Steve Blackman (current)1.1 MB*****
Pulp Fiction 326 KB****.5
The Saint664 KB****.5
The Simpsons670 KB*****
Spawn Cartoon121 KB****.5
Spiff Karaoke130 KB***.5
Sting (prev.)739 KB****.5
Taka Michinoku824 KB*****
Terminator 2284 KB*****
Test1.6 MB*****
Trekkie Tunes1.5 MB*****
The Undertaker (old; 3rd)717 KB****.5
The Undertaker (prev.)1.6 MB*****
Undertaker/Big Show1.7 MB****.5
Vader471 KB****
Vampiro (old)495 KB***.5
Vampiro ("Take it" by ICP)2.3 MB*****
The W. TX Rednex "I Hate Rap"713 KB*****
wohS giB ehT650 KB*****
Wrath1.1 MB*****
WWF Raw is War536 KB*****
The X-Files 111 KB***

That's all for now folks. If you want me to add a certain song, e-mail me and tell me what the song is and where I can find it. And try to make it just soundtracks and stuff and not actual MTV-type music. That stuff will only be occasionally accepted.

Animations on this page are accredited to Daveman and ShanMonster. Go to their image gallery