This page is dedicated with love and respect to Phil Jimenez and Devin Grayson; their incredible work on "JLA/Titans" broke new ground in bringing Arsenal and all of his Titans family into the next century alive and kicking and better than ever! And special praise to Marv Wolfman for turning a disgruntled sidekick into a valiant hero and to Elliot S. Maggin and Mark Verheiden for maintaining Speedy in such wonderful style! Kudos also to Rik Mays for consistently creating gorgeous Arsenal portraits; beautiful work indeed!
("You KNOW it, baaaay-beee!")!
And the all-important legal stuff:
All Arsenal, The Titans, Teen Titans and related characters are the
property of DC Comics.
All rights reserved.
All art that is non-DC owned is mine and may not be copied or reused without my permission; all text written by Daria. Any fan-fiction may not be reprinted or republished in any form without my written consent and may not be used in any for-profit publication.
This page is for fun and not for profit of any kind.
Any questions: e-mail me (Daria) using the link shown below.
The Needle...And The Damage Done
Arsenal Costume Designs: A History
"The Balancing Of Lost Arrow" fic
"Lian's Action Hero Theater" fic
© 1999