Art and Scribbles
These are flotsom of my artwork that I force friends to look at. If you want to see professional artwork, look elsewhere. Click thumbnails to see each picture. (e.g. Diana, above left)
These are from Painter, a cheap program which marvellously manages to mimic real media, to the point that I can't handle the VR watercolors much better than in real life. Most of these are character sketches for a book I may finish before the last Star Wars movie.
Bryce is a mind-consuming past-time, especially for those of us who fell in love with Myst and Riven. In fact, I have decided to move my Bryce pictures to a separate folder, since there's so many of them now. Click on the example below to get there:
Character Sketches
These are portraits of characters in various stories--mine, or those of friends. As such, they tend to be rough.
Diana (the goddess, based on a statue in Huntington Gardens)
Dalai's Llamas (a silly parody of Dali)
Pennsic T-shirt design for Camp River of Birds. Rough draft.
And finally, one random pretty picture: