Well, not much to tell really, I am 16 years old, and still a student,
at a very nice, yea right!!!!!! Private school. I am an extermally kind
person, adn would'nt hert a fly, this is the one bad aspect of myself,
i am tooooo kind. Sorry. I am generally, in the mind of others, funny,
i am able to make a situation seem abit funny, when it is not, how sucsessful
i am, i dont know, but there we are. I work hard, most of the time, well,
not most of the time, well, not at all, but i deam myself as quite intelligent,
a BOF. not. My main interests, are Music, Computers (SAD) and money (SAD),
on yea, and also Yatchs, big fat, massive yatchs. oh, and Women, ofcourse.
My parents, are really boring, they are devorced, and i can see why!!!!!!!,
my dad is a hard working, bloke, who is almost as kind as me. He sits
and works all the time, he is an actury as well, my god, how boring. But
the pay is amazing, so there. He also owns so many different companies,
that they are uncountable. Oh yea, also, i supposedly, have this boasting
streak in me, this is NOT the case. DONT beleive it. My mum, is a magistrate,
and also does volentary work for the samaritans, i dont know why, but
there we are, the world is a funny place!!!!!. Now, i dont know what else
to put, i think that is all my pathetic life is worth. LOL, only kidding.
anyway, if u want to hear more, e-mail me, and ask, i might just reply,
seeya!!!!! OH, YEA, P.S. i LOVE suits. That is why i am usally in them,
i just look good in them, ok, not a problem.