Tim's Bike Trix

About Me

Hi welcome to my page! My name is Tim I'm 12 & Iv'e been riding flattland for about three months. The trix Iv'e already mastered are, bunny hops, bar spins, endos(if you consider it a trik), and tail whips(on good days). I like to prctice about two hours a day. I ride a GT, I am saving up for a haro master. When I went to the "99" X-Games thats what really made me wanna do my best at rideing. Someday my goal is to place in the X-Games.
Hi again! I just wanted to let you know i am no longer updating my page. I am also no longer a biker, i am now a sk8er. I guess my goal didn't come true. I have been a sk8er much longer than i biked, and i am much better at sk8ing. i have new goals. i also have a new e-mail adress it is sk8er4life131@aol.com. i also have a new page much better than this one. it is about my favorite band KoRn. it is http://www.geocities.com/kornrulzus99. one more thing, if the words are diffulct to read then highlight the words.


Dan's Comp
BMX Trix
Offical Blink-182- Page
My sister's Page
Offical KoRn PaGe
My Other Page KoRn Lyrics PaGe


This page is dedicated to my sister Danielle. I couldn't have done one word of it without her!


If you sign my guest book and put in your web page adress I just might put it in my links!

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people have been here sence 9/19/99

This Page Was Last Edited 11-22-99.