And X-Files Information Site

This banner was linked to a site that explained what it was all about. Unfortunately the site has recently been closed and you can no longer get access to the page. However we will still be showing this banner on our page. If you want more info on what this is about then please email us.

- The DDFC

Club Founder (Scully)


Webmaster- Co Finder (Han)

David Duchovny Fan Club
About David
Fun Stuff
X-Files game
X-File stuff


Awards we've won

Fan Fiction -- Submit your stories!

Critics Corner*

*Sorry, Still working on the C's Corner you can still go check it out however.



Welcome to the David Duchovny (Unofficial) Fan Club.

Hello and welcome to the David Duchovny Fan Club (Unofficial).

Fan Fiction Page. Submit your Stories! us and we'll post it up on the page!

Sorry If we're slow about posting, ugrading, or taking care of the page as well as we should. School Started and it's hard to get lots of time in on the page.

We are NOT accepting members. Maybe when everything settles down a bit we'll think about a newsletter being sent out to members. That's still "Iffy". We would need people to help us with it. If anyone would like to volunteer we could get it up faster.

On our page you will find lots of interesting information, pictures, and a whole bunch of fun stuff. If you have anything that you couldn't find on our page or that you would like on our page please contact us. We would also like David fans to send us any information, links, or anything else to us so that we might add it to our page. Thank you and please enjoy our site!

Sign our guestbook! Look at the bottom of the page!

Down below is some of the stuff you will find on our page.

Fan Fiction
X-Files info

Good help on the X-Files game for those who're having trouble. 

A Critics Corner
Cool Facts
Fun Miscellaneous stuff


Calendar of events and what's new


An X-Files quiz game. (Still on the drawing board)


We need people to send us cool links, Facts, Fan Fiction, and Humor!


We have Mulder and Scully's Bios done!


We have a Episode guide! Including Season 7 titles!


We have a Fan Fiction Page!


X-Files Game Page Finished! Check it out!


Check out our Fun Stuff Page. New Stuff Added


We won an award! Check it out.


X-Files Quiz and Puzzles page up! Send in your questions.


You are X-Files number since Saturday 7-30-99

David Duchovny Fan Club | About David | Biography | Pictures | Interviews | Downloads | Multimedia | Career | Fun Stuff | Comix | Humor | X-Files game | Links | X-File stuff | Facts

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Date Last Modified: 2/5/Y2K

This banner was linked to a site that explained what it was all about. Unfourtunetally the site has recently been closed and you can no longer get access to the page. However we will still be showing this banner on our page. If you want more info on what this is about then please email us.

- The DDFC

Webmaster- Co Finder (Han) & Club Founder (Scully)


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       & Millennium Banner Exchange
The X-Files & Millennium Banner Exchange

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