U.S. to retaliate for alleged Japanese action at Pearl Harbor

Dousing the flames on the battleship USS West Virginia
By CNN Staff CNN Washington Bureau
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Us Navy officials reported earlier today, that a number
of Navy war-ships in the American Settlement of Pearl Harbor, were suddenly
discovered to be sinking. Unnamed sources blamed the incident on a training
exercise being conducted by the Japanese Navy nearby.
In Tokyo Japanese officials said that while some civilian fishing boats were in
the area , they were unaware of any unusual activity. They repeated their
commitment to the peace process and said that any violence was the direct result
of continued American aggression in the South Pacific. They went on to emphasize that only peaceful negations
based on a U.S. acceptance of Japan's leading role in Asia could reduce the
tensions between the two countries, and called for an international inquiry into
the matter.
U.S. President Roosevelt, who leads the hard line Democratic party, accused the
Japanese Navy of a Deliberate sneak attack on the American fleet. He said thousands of American soldiers had been killed on a "Day that will
live in infamy." There has been no independent confirmation of those figures,
which respected Japanese sources say are greatly exaggerated. And because of the
belligerent tone of the Right Wing American President's remarks many Japanese
now consider him to be a war criminal.
Explosions on USS Arizona linked to Japanese actions
| The Undeclared War
U.S. Aggression in the South Pacific
| American Volunteer
U.S. Volunteers in China and Spain
The region in which the US has built hundreds of illegal settlements, since its
unilateral annexation of Hawaii, has been a flash point since U.S. Admiral Perry's
visit to Japan in 1853. A visit which some Japanese consider to have been a defilement
of holy Japanese soil by an uncivilized foreigner..
Japanese civilians have repeatedly called for spontaneous days of rage to
protest the intrusion by the American military which is against international
laws. Since Perry's visit more than 120 million Japanese have died, many of
them children, and more than 73 typhoons, and 213 earthquakes have struck the
island nation of Japan.
No earthquakes are reported in the United States.
