24. 7/10/00: All you frame haters now can colapse the frame in the frames version, and then when it is needed again you can expand it. How you ask? Well with a simple double click of course. Double click anywhere on the screen to colapse it and to expand it double click it again.
23. 7/5/00: Well sorry I've been gone so long! These past weeks have just been a bit hectic. I had to practice for my black belt test and stuff so that kinda took away from updating. So there was that week and then another three days for the testing. Also not only that but Zeoodacool3 has appologized for making fun and being mean to Be, so Be he said sorry. Hope you accept his appology. And Zeoodacool3 sorry about that whole fiasco. In other news we hope you had a safe and fun 4th of July. seeya later
22. 6/25/00: Hehe belive it or not U-Anime has a fan!!!!! Her name is Bea (she likes it spelled Be). Well since she was so kind as to alert me to the fact that Zeoodacool3 on aol im, the creat of this site, http://www.geocities.com/irvinexxx/ (that site is well horrible!!!!) He was just horribly rude to Be I don't really know why, not only that but he thought Be was me. Here is their chat => she told me I could put it up BChanKo: oh you are back Zeoodacool3: yeah Zeoodacool3: i am back BChanKo: hiya:-) Zeoodacool3: lol! Zeoodacool3: I went to Brandons site BChanKo: ....and.... Zeoodacool3: and hes got a chatroom in his Sailor Moon page BChanKo: so? Zeoodacool3: and hes only got 25 hits!!!!!!!! Zeoodacool3: lol!!!!!!!! BChanKo: .... there are 1000 somthin Zeoodacool3: no ones ever gonna go in there anywase BChanKo: and there are other people there Zeoodacool3: thats just brandon clicking forward and back on the arrows BChanKo: I think this other girl BChanKo: ? Zeoodacool3: what other girl? BChanKo: Mimi BChanKo: and this guy donut Zeoodacool3: what about her? BChanKo: she works on that site too Zeoodacool3: yeah Zeoodacool3: Mimis good at makin webpages Zeoodacool3: brandons messes her webpages up Zeoodacool3: you see what he did to her pokemon webpage? Zeoodacool3: it SUCKS now! BChanKo: aren't you on it too? BChanKo: you've done didly squat Zeoodacool3: it used to be really cool now its just a bunch of loading stuff Zeoodacool3: yeah i know Zeoodacool3: I dont know the password BChanKo: so then I guess you suck Zeoodacool3: yeah right Zeoodacool3: id rather make a page that is surperior Zeoodacool3: then have brandon help me and fuck it up Zeoodacool3: haha Zeoodacool3: hes SUCH a loser! Zeoodacool3: i cant believe he THINKS hes a hacker! Zeoodacool3: he cant hack anything! Zeoodacool3: ill hack his page BChanKo: hehe Zeoodacool3: hehehe BChanKo: yeah right Zeoodacool3: i will youll see BChanKo: ya know I'm ashamed I talked to you Zeoodacool3: yeah right the only reason your ashamed to talk to me is Zeoodacool3: im dissin you Zeoodacool3: Brandon Zeoodacool3: you suck Zeoodacool3: you cant fool me Zeoodacool3: haha Zeoodacool3: your webpages suck just face it BChanKo: see I thought you would be nice , but I guess I don't know how to talk to ladies Zeoodacool3: whats that supposed to mean? BChanKo: I'm not brandon, and you can ask his friends Yumha I think or somthin Zeoodacool3: your bad with girls? BChanKo: I'm a girl you moron BChanKo: so that means I'm not brandon Zeoodacool3: I know that, thats why you cant get any girls Brandon Zeoodacool3: yeah you are Brandon BChanKo: ?no Zeoodacool3: yes, you are Zeoodacool3: you cant fool me BChanKo: ya know what all you are is a jerk Zeoodacool3: really BChanKo: what do I have to fool you about? Zeoodacool3: you cant come up with anything better? BChanKo: what do you mean? Zeoodacool3: im just a jerk to you Brandon Zeoodacool3: cuz your a stupid fag BChanKo: I'm not brandon you moron Zeoodacool3: im a jerk to stupid fags Zeoodacool3: yes you are Zeoodacool3: you cant fool me BChanKo: your is not spelled your its spelled you're Zeoodacool3: you think i give a fuck? Zeoodacool3: fuck school Zeoodacool3: take drugs Zeoodacool3: rape sluts BChanKo: I think you are jealous of him because, he has a better friendship with your friends than you do Zeoodacool3: do bitches Zeoodacool3: yeah BChanKo: ? Zeoodacool3: like who? Zeoodacool3: Lexi? Zeoodacool3: you can ask her BChanKo: this lexi girl BChanKo: fine I will Zeoodacool3: shes MY best friend Zeoodacool3: not yours BChanKo: what is her SN Zeoodacool3: you should know it retard BChanKo: of cours she's not I don't know her Zeoodacool3: Newanda28 you dumbass BChanKo: you're awful rude to girls BChanKo: ? Zeoodacool3: yeah BChanKo: ok BChanKo: thank you Zeoodacool3: no im just rude to guys that act like girls online Zeoodacool3: who pretend there girls and fuck guys like Brandon BChanKo: I'm not acting you moron Zeoodacool3: yeah right Zeoodacool3: go do your complaining to your psychiatrist when he asks you why you act like a girl Zeoodacool3 signed off at 1:30:02 PM. BChanKo: ya know what if she is your best friend I think she would be pretty angry at you Be on behalf of U-Anime we are sorry for your harsh treatment from Zeoodacool3 (what kind of screen name is that!?!?!?!?!)Oh well hehe he is jerk, and since I ninja tom have gone to school with him I know as a fact most people think he is a (I'll swear just to get my point across I hate swearing) fucking jackass. So don't feel so bad. Thats it for the updates. Oh yeah all of you who know me on aol im (ohmyshinouskay) you can contact me on aol im abouth this if you want.
21. 6/19/00: We added two new series to our line up Kodome no Ocha (Child's Toy) and Vision of Escaflowne hopefully they will add more spice to the goodol U-Anime=> Byebye!
20. 6/16/00: I Bet you thought that U-Anime has forgot to update its page huh? we it didn't we have been. I'm happy to say that we are going onto 1000 hits, today we have reached 900 hits!! Yay!!! I can't wait! I also did some general cleanup around the site.