Josephine's Birth
Josephine's birth story starts on Thursday August 28 when I had an appointment with my GP who just happened to do his first internal examination. I was only 2 cm dialated and 80%
effaced but he felt I would not last the weekend and declares to me that if I
want him to deliver our baby then the next day (Friday) would be a good day as
he would be away on a medical conference (4 hour drive away) this weekend. So
after much agonising DH and I agree.
Friday morning, after a night of little sleep, we head to the hospital at about 7am. The GP rocks up at 9am to break my waters. He felt that was all that would be needed to get my
labour going. So at 9:30am my DH and I start doing laps of the hospital. I get
some intermitent contractions but thats all. After 20 laps and an exhausted DH
we agree to using the Syntocin Drip the time 1:30pm. At 2pm, labour has
officially started, my contractions were 45 seconds and every 3 minutes apart.
At about 2:30pm we move to the labour room and there was more space and I could
fit bean bags etc. The senario, dim lighting, an oil burner buring Lavender Oil,
my back massaged with Lavender Massage Oil by DH, hot packs on my stomach and
Enya playing in the background. Pity I was in labour and couldn't REALLY
appreciate it.
At approximately 3pm I start experiencing really bad back pain and ask for the gas. The noise of the nossle was good in that it was a distraction but I remember it not doing much
for the pain. Fifteen minutes later I declared to all that I wanted to lay down
on the birthing bed. I went on my side and immediately had the urge to push. I
say "I'm pushing" and my midwife's reply was "I know". So
she quickly took off my leggings to check dialiation and discovers a head.
At this stage its pretty clear that the GP will not make this birth. Fifteen minutes later and an
episiotomy Josephine Elizabeth Quin-Conroy was born. The time being 3:32pm.
Officially my labour was only 1 1/2 hours and in retrospec it seemed pointless
inducing for the GP when he didn't get there till 15 minutes after Josephine was
born..Oh well :0)