The Jedi Calming Breath Technique
Meditation~~~Jedi Calming Breath Technique~~~
This is a simple breathing exercise, to be practiced every day. It is useful in
stressful situations, or when you feel threatened, for it helps you to remain
calm, and to relax. It is presented in three easy steps. Start with the first step,
until you've mastered it. Then progress to the next step. Once you have
reached the third step, you will have learned the Calming Breath Technique.
Wear loose fitting attire, so that you are comfortable. Make sure that you can
breathe through your nose. If you have a cold, do not practice this exercise
until you can breathe clearly.
Step One
Lie flat on your back. Put one hand on your stomach, and the other hand on
your chest. Relax.
Inhale so that the hand on your stomach rises, while the hand on your chest is
still. Exhale so that the hand on your stomach goes down again, and the hand
on your chest remains still. Repeat for 5 breaths.
Now, when you inhale, breathe in so that the hand on your chest rises, while
the hand on your stomach is still. Exhale so that the hand on your chest goes
down again, while the hand on your stomach remains still. Repeat for 5
Alternate between stomach and chest breathing for 5 minutes. Make sure
you've mastered this step before moving on.
Step Two
This step combines stomach and chest breathing into one breath. This is the
Calming Breath.
Lie flat on your back. Put one hand on your stomach, and the other hand on
your chest. Relax.
Begin by stomach breathing. When you feel you can't inhale any more in this
manner, switch to chest breathing, until the upper part of your lungs are filled.
Then exhale by chest breathing first, progressing to stomach breathing so
that you empty the lungs fully. Repeat for 5 minutes.
Breathe slowly. If you feel dizzy, slow down, you are breathing too fast. If you
are out of breath, you are breathing too slowly. Listen to your own body's
messages. If you are having difficulty distinguishing chest breathing from
stomach breathing, go back to Step One.
Step Three
Stand or sit with your back straight.
Use the Calming Breath and follow this pattern. You will have to count the
rhythm in your head. I will teach you the rhythm 4-4-4. Count to 4 while
inhaling, hold your breath and count to 4, then count to 4 while exhaling. Once
you've mastered this you may use a 4-4-4-4 rhythm is you prefer. It adds and
extra step of holding your breath after exhaling and counting to 4. Take care
not to hold your breath too long. Again, listen to your body. Repeat for 5
minutes, or until you are calm.
Practice so that the Calming Breath becomes effortless, and inaudible. You
should breathe no louder than usual. Once you have mastered the technique,
it should be invisible to the untrained eye, making it useful in almost any
The calm mind can more readily feel the ebb and flow of the Force.
~~~Meditation techniques~~~
Jedi meditation techniques have been handed down through the ages as a
way of gaining insight and wisdom in the force. There were many different
meditation techniques, but most have been lost to the ravages of time. The
following is the first step in the most commonly practiced method.
Like all force training, the Jedi meditation technique follows a hierarchy of
steps: Control, Sense, and Alter. You must learn control of your own abilities,
before you can truly sense the Force. Once you have mastered sensing the
Force surrounding you, you can use the force to perform actions and alter the
events and objects around you.
The basic technique teaches you to control your own mental process, and
allows you to focus your thoughts on one object, thought, or goal, the object
of your meditation. This object must have a clear objective or subjective reality
to you, so it is easiest to begin with a physical object such as a ball or a
candle. After you have mastered meditating on physical objects, you may
proceed to mental objects such as mental images or goals. Make sure your
mental object is clearly defined in your mind.
How to start:
-Sit in on the floor, or on a cushion, with the spine and neck kept straight .
Place your hands in your lap, palms upward.
-Relax your entire body deeply and quickly, using the Calming Breath
Technique. After you are relaxed, regulate your breathing to a calm and
peaceful rate.
-If you are using a physical object, focus your vision on the object, otherwise
close your eyes.
-Begin to shut out distractions (noises, etc.), as you focus your attention
inward. Try to keep your thoughts from wandering, shutting out stray
-Concentrate your thoughts upon the object of your meditation.
Practice these steps until you are able to concentrate on the object without
distraction. Once you have mastered these steps, you should gain a sense of
that object through the Force. Stretch out with your feelings, and perceive the