My White Wolf Resource Library Inventory
Vampire: the Masquerade (2nd ed AND Revised)
V:tM Screens (2nd ed AND Revised) incl. Vampire ST Companion
Vampire Players Guide (2nd ed)
The Storytellers Handbook (2nd ed)
Vampire Storytellers Handbook (Revised)
Guide to the Camarilla
Guide to the Sabbat
Players Guide to the Sabbat (2nd ed)
Storytellers Handbook to the Sabbat (2nd ed)
Dirty Secrets of the Black Hand
Midnight Siege
The Gilded Cage + Nights of
Sins of the Blood
The Anarch Cookbook
Time of Thin Blood
A World of Darkness (1st and 2nd eds)
The Hunters Hunted
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Book of the Kindred
Prince's Primer
The Book of Nod
Clanbooks (all 2nd ed): Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Giovanni,
Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos,
Setites, Toreador, Tremere,
Tzimisce, Ventrue
Liber des Goules (MET)
Montreal by Night
Children of the Night
Blood Magic: Secrets of Thaumaturgy
WoD: Gypsies
The Inquisition
Outcasts: Players Guide to Pariahs
Vampire: the Dark Ages
V:tDA Screen
Dark Ages Companion
Book of Storyteller Secrets
Libellus Sanguinis 1, 2, 3, and 4
The Ashen Knight and Ashen Thief and Ashen Cults
The Erciyes Fragments
Liege, Lord, and Lackey
Three Pillars
Wolves of the Sea, Wind from the East, House of Tremere
Cainite Heresy + Jerusalem by Night
Clanbooks: Baali, Cappadocian, Salubri
Kindred of the East
KoE Companion
Demonhunter X
Shadow War
The Thousand Hells
WoD: Blood and Silk
Killing Streets
Half-Damned: Dhampyr
Guide to the Anarchs
New York by Night
Blood Sacrifice
Veil of Night
Road of Humanity; Road of Sin; Road of Heaven
Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom
LA by Night
Vampire: the Requiem screen
Mage: the Ascension (2nd ed AND Revised)
M:TA (2nd AND Revised) + Hidden Lore + ST Companion (Rev.)
The Book of Shadows
The Book of Mirrors
The Book of Crafts
The Book of Madness
The Book of Madness - Rev.
The Book of Worlds
The Book of Chantries
Horizon: Stronghold of Hope
Ascension's Right Hand
The Traditions Gathered 1, 2, and 3
Tradition Book: Hollow Ones
Technocracy Assembled 1
Technocracy: Void Engineers
Technocracy: Syndicate
Technomancer's Toybox
Digital Web (1st and 2nd ed)
Guide to the Technocracy
Initiates of the Art
Masters of the Art
The Spirit Ways
Orphans Survival Guide
The Bitter Road
Dead Magic
Blood Treachery
Tales of Magick: Dark Adventure
Destiny's Price
Lost Paths: Ahl-i-Batin & Taftani
Guide to the Traditions
WoD: Sorcerer
Mage: Sorcerer Revised
Halls of the Arcanum
The Bygone Bestiary
Blood-Dimmed Tides
Mage: the Sorcerers Crusade
M:tSC Screen + Crusade Lore
The Sorcerers Crusade Companion
The Artisan's Handbook
Infernalism: the Path of Screams
Castles and Covenants
The Swashbuckler's Handbook
The Order of Reason
Dark Ages: Mage
Dark Ages: Mage Grimoire
Mage: the Awakening
Wraith: the Oblivion (1st Ed - actually better than the 2nd)
Wraith Players Guide
WtO Screen (1st and 2nd ed) + ST Kit (booklet) + Buried
Shadow Players Guide
Dark Kingdoms of Jade
The Risen
Dark Reflections: Spectres
Doomslayers: Into the Labyrinth
The Sea of Shadows
Love Beyond Death
Guildbooks: Artificers, Sandmen, Masquers, Haunters,
Pardoners & Puppeteers, Spooks & Oracles
Ends of Empire
The Hierarchy
The Book of Legions
Mediums: Speakers with the Dead
The Quick and the Dead
Wraith: the Great War
Charnel Houses of Europe: The Shoah
Midnight Express
Changeling: the Dreaming (2nd ed)
CtD Screen+Book of ST Secrets+CtD(2) Screen+Book of Lost
Players Guide (1st ed)
Changeling Storytellers Guide
Dreams and Nightmares
Noblesse Oblige: the Book of Houses
Pour L'Amour et Liberte: the Book of Houses 2
Book of Lost Houses: the Second Coming
Nobles: the Shining Host
The Fools Luck: Way of the Commoner
The Shadow Court
Land of Eight Million Dreams
Inanimae: the Secret Way
The Autumn People
Kithbooks: Trolls, Sluagh, Satyrs, Nockers, Pooka,
Redcap, Eshu
Isle of the Mighty
Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, Shadows on the Hill, The
The Enchanted
Denizens of the Dreaming
Dark Ages: Fae
Demon: the Fallen
D:tF Screen & Storytellers Guide
Werewolf: the Apocalypse - (1st ed), (2nd ed) + Revised
WtA Screen + Screen (Rev) + ST Companion
Werewolf Players Guide (1st and 2nd ed)
Werewolf Storytellers Handbook
Umbra: the Velvet Shadow
Caerns: Places of Power
Book of the Wyrm (1st and 2nd ed)
Book of the Weaver
Book of the Wyld
Ways of the Wolf
Axis Mundi: the Book of Spirits
Freak Legion: Players Guide to Fomori
Kinfolk: Unsung Heroes
Litany of the Tribes 1, 2, 3, and 4
Changing Breeds: Bastet, Nuwisha, Corax, Gurahl, Ratkin,
Mokole, Ananasi, Rokea, Nagah
Hengeyokai: Shapeshifters of the East
Werewolf the Dark Ages
Rage Across the Heavens
Dark Alliance - Vancouver
The Silver Record
Subsidiaries: a Guide to Pentex
Monkeywrench: Pentex
Guardians of the Caerns
Bookof the City
Project Twilight
WoD: Combat
Possessed: a Players Guide
Werewolf: the Wild West
W:tWW Screen + Frontier Secrets
The Wild West Companion
Rage Across New York
A World of Rage
Croatan Song
Past Lives
Book of Auspices
Hammer and Klaive
Dark Ages: Werewolf
Werewolf: the Forsaken screen
T Screen + Hidden Agendas
Trinity Technology Manual
Trinity Players Guide
Stellar Frontier
Field Reports: Psi Laws, Alien Races, Extrasolar
Media, Corporate Life
A Screen + ST Screen
Project Utopia
Aberrant: XWF
Aberrant Players Guide
Aberrant: Elites
The Masquerade (MET; 2nd ed)
Laws of the Wild, Laws of the Hunt, The Long Night,
Oblivion, The Shining Host, The Shining Host PG,
Laws of the Wyld West, Laws of the Hunt PG,
Book of the Wyrm, Liber des Goules, Laws of Elysium,
Laws of the Night
Hunter: the Reckoning
HtR Screen + Storyteller Companion
Hunterbooks: Avenger, Defender, Innocent Judge, Martyr, Redeemer,
Visionary, Hermt, Wayward
The Walking Dead
Hunter: First Contact
Players Guide
Dark Ages: Inquisitor
Crusade of Ashes
Mummy: the Resurrection
Mummy 1st & 2nd ed.
Mummy; the Resurrection Players Guide
SF Screen
Players Guide
The Perfect Warrior
Secrets of Shadoloo
Exalted Screen + ST Companion
Players' Guide