Marvel X
Marvel-X Villains
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Sebastian Shaw Sebastian Shaw: Long-standing Black King of the Hellfire Club, Shaw is the true power behind the group. A mutant, Shaw can absorb kinetic energy on impact and rechannel it into physical strength.
Tessa Tessa: Tessa is a telepath of limited ability, strong enough to read minds and communicate telepathically. As Sebastian Shaw's familiar, Tessa advises and counsels her employer in business, as well as more shadier dealings.
Shinobi Shaw Shinobi Shaw: Son of Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi once attempted to sieze control of the Hellfire Club by slaying his father. Shinobi's mutant power is that he can alter his body's density from intangible to diamond-hard.
Gamesmaster Gamesmaster: Known only as the Gamesmaster, this mutant is an omnipath, a telepath so powerful that he can hear the thoughts of every being on the planet. However, he cannot block these thoughts out, so his head is constantly full of six billion voices.


Series Writer: Braden Giordano

#1 - "The Beginning Of Everything"
#2 - "Games"
#3 - "End Games"
#4 - "The Siege"


Games TCB - collecting the entire Hellfire Club Limited Series

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Marvel-X logo created by Ryan Krupienski, and may not be used without permission.

Hellfire Club logo created by Eric J. Moreels, and may not be used without permission.

All stories linked from this page are © 1999 Braden Giordano, and may not be reproduced without permission.


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