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Alien Abductions Brookesmith, Peter
A history of supposed alien encounters and abductions. The text includes a detailed catalogue of worldwide close encounters since the 1950s.
Hardback 176 pages Cassell & Co (A member of the Orion Publishing Group) 1998 ISBN 0713727020 |
Alien Dawn Pearson, Maggie
Jed and Karen see a flash of light plunging towards Earth in the sky above the heath. Jed may be close to finding out about the UFOs his Dad has always believed exist - but all he has as proof is a stone with unearthly powers. Is the alien friend or foe? And what do the Men in Black want? |
Left at East Gate Warren, Larry Robbins, Peter
Larry Warren gives an eye-witness account of a UFO incident at the RAF base at Rendlesham Forest in East Anglia.
Hardback 501 pages Michael O'Mara Books 1997 ISBN 1854792318 |
Gods of the Dawn Lemesurier, Peter
In this text, Peter Lemesurier explores both the internal design of the Pyramids and their position in relationship to the star system.
Hardback 251 pages HarperCollins Publishers 1998 ISBN 072253549X |
Alien Impact Craft, Michael
A collection of the strange, the impossible and the incredible. This book explores stories, reports, rumours and conspiracy theories, including shamanism, Aleister Crowley, UFOs and angels. Included are: UFOs and channelled teachings from space; government cover-ups; and aliens. |
The Threat Jacobs, David
After 50 years of widespread speculation about UFOs and abductions by aliens, this is an evidence-based explanation of alien intentions. David Jacobs suggests that the aliens' agenda is to create a breed of alien-human "hybrids" who will eventually colonize and control Earth.
Paperback 287 pages Simon & Schuster (Trade Division) 1999 ISBN 0671028596 |
Travels in Dreamland Patton, Philip
This is a history and examination of the most secret place in America, the area of Groom Dry Lake, Nevada, in which advanced aircraft are tested and which does not appear on any maps. The book also looks at the way in which secrecy inspires fantasy and at the parallel culture of UFO buffs.
Hardback 270 pages Orion Publishing Co 1997 ISBN 0752810448 |
Beyond Top Secret Good, Timothy
A sequel to "Above Top Secret" which alleged a worldwide cover-up of UFO sightings. The main theme of this book is the threat of extra-terrestrial beings to the Earth.
Paperback 640 pages Macmillan General Books 1997 ISBN 0330349287 |
Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind Bryan, C.D.B.
This text is a combination of scientific research, investigative journalism and abductees' accounts of UFOs and aliens. In addition to interviewing people who claim to have been abducted by aliens, the author also spoke to hypnotherapists, psychiatrists and "ufologists". |
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