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The Solar System

Hefry Starport

Send e-mail to Alan Baird

These planet and moon maps are handmade adaptations (using Paint) from photographs on various sites on the INTERNET, primarily to get the texture and coloring right. Each is then adapted to fit the projection presented and then colored, modified and labeled in accordance with The Compact NASA Atlas of the Solar System by Greeley and Batson. As new data is gathered and presented, I intend to further refine these maps so that they always represent the best data available within the limits of this projection, resolution at 256 bits in Paint, and the size map used.

Where data is not available yet, I have simply made stuff up. But to the extent that I find reasonable I have tried to stay within what is reasonably possible given the known information. I will change anything and everything to conform once more is known about our solar system. This setting is based upon hard science and will remain so.

Images are grouped outward from Sol and then outward from the given planet. Mercury and Venus are skipped due to their high temepratures. Gas giant planets are skipped. If planets do not have a hard, fixed surface they are not of value for colonization and any maps would change over time.

Earth is cold and....

Luna is cold and....

Mars is....

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