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Local and Regional Services

*A subsidiary of Tradewind Caribbean Airlines (TCA) operating
in the livery of Tradewind Domestic Mail (TDM)

General Info

Routes and Schedules


Pilot Briefing Room


Send e-mail to MCA Division Manager

Welcome to Maine Coastal Airways! We are a small, friendly virtual airline division servicing the coastal Maine area. Downloads and information are intended for use with Microsoft's Flight Simulator 2004, and are for hobby use only. No information on these pages should be used for real world aviation...especially if I am in your airplane!

The regional feeder routes for Maine Coastal Aiways (MCA) are flown out of Boston, Portland, and Rockland. These are serviced using fast commuter aircraft that carry 8-16 passengers. Local routes out of Rockland (Knox County Airport) are serviced primarily with 2-4 passenger Cessna aircraft. While ATC is not usually available, ARTCC Boston does occasionally cover this area. Try VATSIM to see how online flying in general works. And try Boston ARTCC to attempt to coordinate ATC for your flights in this area.

Please pardon the dust; MCA is undergoing heavy construction.

Warm regards, Capt Ron Rico,
TCA #2047
VATSIM #811454
Division Manager, Maine Coastal Airways

Main Coastal Airways is a not yet authorized subsidiary division of Tradewind Caribean Airlines (TCA) flown in the livery of Tradewind Domestic Mail (TDM).

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