Daevanus' Dark Haven

Daevanus' Dark Haven

Enter and be welcome, weary traveler! I'm sorry for the simplicity of this place,but I'm still learning the tricks to html, and do have a life (as much as the Navy allows me). Enjoy the short stories here for you're pleasure! Please, Sign my Guestbook!!

Also, no material from this page may be used without my expressed consent or the consent of the original creators. Anything I use here that is someone elses, if I am stepping on toes, let me know! I'll apologize profusely and remove it. Thanks!

June 24th, 2004

Getting back into the swing of things, such as my programming and writting. Maybe something will come of it this time, rather than a bunch of wasted time...

Buffy Fanfic

This isn't really Buffy fanfic. It's more like Xander Fanfic. He is on of my favorite characters, and so I decided to write what would happen if he was given a birthright and forced into action. These stories begin to take place midway through Willow and Buffy's freshmen year in college. Please enjoy. This serries is tentatively being titled "Endings", for obvious reasons.

Please note: any characters portrayed here are NOT MINE! Unless I otherwise state it, they belong to whoever the hell does own Buffy, the Vampire Slayer (I think it's some guy named Joss). Don't sue me, sailors are government employees... we don't make that much! The idea of a 'lodestone paladin' belongs to TSR.(I think) The plot, however, is mine.

Please note that any characters in the following stories are mine unless I specifically credit another with the character! The Forgotten Realms, and any dieties or major characters associated with them, belong to TSR (or Wizards of the Coast...I think they bought out TSR), not me. Also, random writings are below. Enter at the risk of your own sanity!!!

Martin Longbow Stories

Random Writings

Here is where all my random-ness will land. Poems, short stories, and anything else I feel like should be here. For your enjoyment, and to prove to some people that I am certifiably insane...

I've suddenly decided...well, alright. It's been months since I even thought of adding stuff to my characters vault. Instead, I'll tell ya a bit about myself. Hell, I might even through up some song lyrics that I like, if I feel it isn't overdone already!

Questions? Comments? Just want to say Hi? Email me at Daevanus@yahoo.com

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