Johnny AUM Webpage - All Mysteries Revealed - Tantra And
Spirituality, Natural Alimentation, Guide For A Happy Life, Prolonging Your Life Forever, UFO
And Aliens, Unbelievable Facts and Stories, Mondial Occult Government And How You Are Manipulated
, Free Energy And Working Inventions, How Your Mind Works, How To Progress On Spiritual Way,
many untold and occult secrets and explained mysteries are or will be here!
Remember: this webpage it was posible through GOD'S INSPIRATION and is really so!
From the begining I must mention that all I'm doing here is from my heart,
from God inspiration and because I love all my brothers around the world. I consider myself an
universal entity and an infinite spirit with no limitations imposed by my mind and without
apartenency of any nationality, country or group other than the group of high evoluated,
spiritualized and enlightened entities from all the Universe who serves Good without interests
of any kind, but from heart! Unknown secrets and aspects of mentioned things will be revealed
here, so you better take a view from time to time on this page.
These here related informations, if applied consciently in your life, can and will improve
your life forever!
This page is dedicated to all who love
& searching for mysteries, mysteries that surround us in every moment and
are unknown to most of the people and even if some men know something they do
not seem to realize that they must have a conscient role in the process of
making these mysteries & secrets to be revelead to others and for changing
of everybody lifes into something better. I'll truly tell you, the biggest
mystery and secret is to change your unsatisfactory life you're living now in a
extasy of every day second.
INDEX. At this WEB adress you will find
informations about:
I love you brothers and my hope is that someday will live in peace and
fraternity for ever on this planet! I will not live this planet until this goal
is not achieved & you all must know that we are the endless avatars who
start to coming on Earth! Don't try to fight against your divine nature (good or
bad) human been, it's better to understand what's happening & to adjust
yourself for a new life in freedom, peace and prosperity. Don't think this is
not posible (Satana tells you that in your mind), join with me in love. It's the
destiny you're waiting for a long, long time.
Stay tuned weekly or monthly on
this WEB page, soon i'll make more revealings!!! Details, secrets &
mysteries from a man who's practising, not only theory from intelectual people
with no real growing and understanding.
All the best from Romania, the country (with heart shape) which is the spiritual heart of the world - as Sundar
Singh (famous saint, follower of Christ), saint Serafim of Sarov, Nostradamus,
saids in their profecies - where the Divine Grace is already arrived.
from MISA - Movement For Spiritual Integration In Absolute - the most powerfull
group (from spiritual point of view) of YOGA from our country & how many
appreciate (even from India ashrams), one of the most powerfull from all the
Some words about the flag and this people: the romanian flag is the symbhol of sunrise sky,
which has on rising, at horizont, the tricolor: red, yellow and blue. This mean that
this people has an ancestral coult of Sun and we are the descendents of geto-daks, egypteans and atlants.
This could be weird but is true (this is also the opinion of many profound and nonmasonic history researchers). And for us, Sun symbholise the eternal shining of God!
Many thanks to mr. Gregorian Bivolaru, the divine spiritual master
who founded MISA & spread all over the country books of profound
spirituality & spiritual master teachings.
Thanks to OSHO (my spiritual
master) for revealing again the immortal science of spirituality - Tantra and for biggest efforts to
help the enlightment of all world! You made it, Osho! It's hapening now, dear master!
Endless thanks & love for God who inspire us in every moment! Thank
you DIVINE FATHER!!! Unfinishable love for you, father!!! I can feel your love, father!!!
(1) Guide For A Happy Life (includes elements of Tantra)
What you can do not repeat your behaviour (or these tendencies of the mind)
forever and to be ever unhappy? First: reflect and reread this info from
above until you illuminate really on these matters. Second: behave naturally
(this mean you must make an effort to eliberate from the tendencies above), try
to be conscient for observing the thoughts from your mind and try to act freely of
these or any already made judgements about any or everything. Follow the way of
intuition and start living 100% what you do. The meaning of this is that you
must (must is not the correct word but I not know english so well - better will
be - "naturally feel to" or "intuitive feel to") do what you do every day with
maximum atention and conscience. Ex.: when you eat don't think at tralala or
football, girls, boys, etc, try & gain succes in be there when you eating.
This advice applies on absolute everything you are doing daily. Of help can be
daily listening of meditation music like KITARO or STEVEN HALPERN or VANGELIS or
ENYA - I prefer KITARO. Also on every day ending you must analyse if you're
making progress. At human being the progress is seen after cca. 2 months, of
course this may vary uppon your effort. If after a long period of time you do
not feel progress, your mind will tell you to stop this nonsense. You must
understand that your mind (when is uncontrolled) is against your hapiness and
spiritual progress. You must continuing these daily efforts to grow because
these efforts will be taken by subconscient and will be automatised in some
procents. But you need to be conscient all the time. Spend more time in the
nature (if no nature aproach - no escape from your boring life), the nature
(God) will teach you all if you seat there, just be there with no talks, alone,
with no thinkings. The harmony of nature will install in you and after a while
(if acompanied with natural food - more cruel - also) and you will feel that you
are born again. If you are succesfull try silently influence others to grow
spiritualy. Do not be infatuate - this a tendency of your mind - and continue to
behave naturally. If you feel after progressing a egotic need to tell others
what good you are, better go in nature to achieve equilibrium.
principal idea or law of nature (Tantra says also) is to be in all actions
equilibrate & conscient in the same time. Ask yourself before thinking
or doing a action: is equilibrate (in the face of divine) or serves to the
interests of divine harmony and really serves yourself this? Or your ego (ego is
uncontrolled mind) try to impose to you this? Try to eliminate the impulsive
animalic behaviours, and do not be so quick on decisions but be profound. This
distinguish us from animals. Do not make excesses of any kind. If you are or
becoming an equilibrate in what you do, you will feel harder & harder that
hapiness begin to surround you.
Another important thing: feel presence of
extasy of God in everything - this include yourself. Maybe at the begining is
only a imaginary effort but soon you will really feel an extasy that has never
happend to you until now.
If you feel that your job don't let you be like you wish to be, happy and innocent, change it!
God will help you, but don't give upt and achieve your spiritual goals all the time!
(2) Natural (Cruel) Alimentation - A Path To Divine
The principal idea is that: man (his body) is
maded by nature & in nature & not in enterprises (how we made drugs or
artificial aliments) so we must feed it with natural food, fresh & as much
as cruel can be. From this, results that with more cruel food we eated, more
healthy we become or are.
Pacients along the world proved that with cruel
alimentation can be cured of every disease posible, including AIDS, cancer, etc.
The big problem is to want to keep a accurate regim on a long period of time
& to know the principles of natural alimentation. Maybe you believe that if
you are very seek you can't cure. That is another problem, because the power of
the mind can influence the body, pozitive or negative, depending on your choice
& power of mind control. Look at the sky! It is so infinite & powerfull!
You are one with the sky in reality & you have the same powers if God sees
that you are pozitive. So understand this & use the benefic almost infinite
power of your mind (through God will - & God always want you to be Ok). Like
always, all depends on you, don't blame anyone else.
For achieving &
maintaining power health, 3 things: willpower directed pozitive, daily
meditation & daily cruel alimentation. No disease can rezist to this!
Remember: if you are on God side, you are unbeatable!
OK! Let's start now
with principles of natural alimentation (tantric principles):
Look for this book: Cruel Food - by Ernst Gunther (swiss author). Offers
good details about cruel food. Try also yogis book (of recognized spiritual
masters like Swami Shivananda, Osho, etc).
A good advice (with love): if you
looking for truth search first or only recognized spiritual masters books. Don't
impregnate your mind with 1001 infos from 10000 sources - use
(3) Daily Meditation - The Way Toward Pure Extasy & Absolute Freedom
Spirituality is the only solution for all our problems. It is the final
solution. It is what we expected from a very, very long times to happend to us.
And meditation is the path to reborn us again (meditation is the ability to
stay & to act totaly in present).
Through daily meditation on serious bases we can reconnect to our inner world of
purity & extasy. This world is not something far away, is right here, in our
present. You can enter now. ENTER! All we must do is to entertain to remember our state before the
falling & sinking in physical world & in matter. We all are in fact angels
with unlimited will & power, but because the wrong use of those (sinking in
matter) we loosed them temporaly. The technics of meditation are made only
for to bring us on the state that we were before the seven existencial
planes to exists - natural state of purity & extasy. More details about you &
the relation with the universe & God in the chapter about "How is builded the
universe & how it evolves".
What are the rules to bring us again in our natural state before falling?
The rules are:
You can't progress on the spiritual way if you don't really understand
what is all about & if you are not 100% for it. You must put you all energies
for that; God wants you totally. Don't make illusions; if you are just
curious, nothing will happend to you (or your spiritual progress).
Now some of the principal technics of meditation:
There are hundreds of methods of meditation, I mentioned here some of the
principal ones; if you are really interested contact me with your
accurate description about your personality & better with a jpeg picture of you & I'll
provide you with more details & methods for you personally.
Anyway I recommand Osho spiritual master books and the 112 technics of meditation of his; they are really sources of
spiritual knowledge; but take from all only what is fitting & make you happy
or you feel that change you at a rafinate level of counsciesness and spirituality. Try to be more pure and innocent continuous.
Don't forget: your ego
(mind or personality or thoughts - as your master) must dissapear, not to grow! Observe
yourself all the time (I mean observe your mind like an observer)!
(4) Untold and occult informations about LAWS OF THE MIND (or how your mind controls yourself)
Pay very much atention, because these
informations, if you understand them and put into your daily practice can change
you forever to better.
First, reflect on this: if you're living your life in the conditions present around you
and inside you, nobody can be made guilty of this; the only one responsible for your present is
your person, or your constant identification with your mind and he's wishes. Not God, not neighbours,
not your brother, not your parents, are guilty for anything; through delicate processes of reincarnation,
karma and results of your past actions, you're today what your actions maded in the past. So,
don't think ever that anyone else is guilty for your today state. If you believe something else,
you're in ignorance and in total influence and manipulation of your uncontrolled mind and other
forces of uncounsciesness.
The human mind is concepted by God in the idea that
man should have a instrument for thinking and make strategies for all situations
of every day life in the material world. This was necessary for surviving. So he
structured the human being on 3 principals levels (in fact are 7 but for quick
understanding): spiritual body, mind body and material body. In the occult
knowledge we know that flash body is a physic extension of mind for satisfying
the various wishes and needs in the material world. God also make the mind
to function uppon these laws or tendencies which are needed for surviving in all conditions, but depend on you how use these; your job is to have good sense & to progress for achieving transcedental or supramenthal state of equilibrium were all is beatitude and peace).
These laws are:
(9) The Laws Of Mind Manipulation applied by Mondial Masonic Occult Govern and Solutions
Later I introduce you in the world of real
leaders of this world - the occult masonic govern. But you may also find a
lot of information about this on WEB. I want to develope what I say at first law - the one with propaganda.
Example: you are from nation "xxx" and politicians which divide all (divide and
control) tells you that you belong to country "xxx" and you must protect your
country, your flag and many foolish things (you'll see why is foolish). But a
man from country "yyy" (which also is indoctrinated with same types of
foolishness) take your country flag and spit on it or break it. What you'll do?
Because your unconscient, you will certain (on specially if you are with others
"xxx" citizens) kill or beat him very badly - think at football. But you don't
realize that you kill a man because your having a big ego (big ignorance) and
for a piece of insignificant cloth. So, believing that you belong only to a
country, or only to a family, you are excluding the other people on this planet,
people who are exactly the same us your friends or your family. So, we all must
develope concient a better aproach with others. We are all brothers, good
brothers and we all are parts of the same universal beeing: God. When we will
truly realize that (& love will be the only law on this planet) we will no
longer able to be maniplated. So, please, it's your duty (or your principal goal
that God give it to you) try to evoluate on your spiritual way.
Three fast proofs for those who don't
see applied satanic masonery principles: accelerate violence in growing in the
world and in massmedia (movies are 100% violence) - (1) & (2) 666 (beast
number or masonery number) is everywhere: look at (for example) products serial
- is 666 number but a little stylized (2 ggroups of numbers - 6 and 6 numbers
long and 6 thiny lines among them). The third proof: the leaders of this world
put all the money in weapons & distruction not in spiritual education (like
here) or in developing poor countries, or for public health, love & better
understanding. Examples are everywhere, open your eyes.
The clearest example: the symbhol of Illuminatti (a mixture of evil extraterestrials, old masonic lojes and secret societies)
on 1 dollar bill (the pyramid with 13 levels and the eye of occult knowledge above plus
number 13 everywhere there). See for yourself the bill! These symbhols show also
that they are the real leaders who conduct the monetary system and the whole world from ancient times!
Before I present the
laws I warn you that using these laws of mind manipulation with bad intentions
or premeditation will attract bad karma & really bad things in your future.
You can't play with this. God is perfect & soon or later you'll pay (even if
you don't believe or ignore) if you are trying to manipulate using these infos.
Try to
see those subtil laws how are aplicated all over around you.
But now about
these laws of manipulation. These are:
An interesting aspect is that the men who would not believe anything from
here, are the first to fall into these manipulations. That's because who could
observe these manipulations is awake & vigilent & the others who do not
believe are not conscient & will not observe when & how are trapped in
the middle of these subtil mind manipulations (and the result is a life in
misery). Don't believe if your rich that you are fullfilled; in your interior
you know you are not happy; no spirituality no ever hapiness. This will not
change ever if you not grow spiritually. And your life will be lived in
what a great spiritual master saids: "God is in you as much you are in him!"
Another translation could be: God love you as much as you make time daily to
love him! If you're maybe wondering why is so much distruction and death on this
planet, here is the answer: the majority of world population (and you know if
you're or not among them) do not want to know anything or they don't care about
God at all!
Be sincerely and recognize: from how many times on a day you are thinking at our creator, God?
So, this is the answer of all misery from everywhere; the people don't care about all
is in connection with God, and this because they are identified 100% with what's coming in their mind; the
uncontrolled thoughts and mind as master of you is the source of all unhapiness!
Don't forget: if you realize that all this above is true
don't just stay & analyze, act now against these evil forces from inside or outside you & tell to
others to act too! Reading, thinking and reflecting on these informations only does not help somebody! In fact,
if you will not take any appropriate action after reading this, is clearly
meaning that you continue to be totally mind manipulated!
(12) Aspects Of Mentality Of The Rich Men
First: I love you, I'm not against anyone, even is rich or else, I'm only
trying to help others to see clear what's happening with them, this from a love perspective
& because God inspirated me (& others too). I'm not special or anything.
What I love the most is to see everyone happy on this planet, that's all.
Perhaps you are reading here because you consider yourself a rich man (so your mind
makes differences between men - another mind manipulation over you). See chapter about it.
There are interesting aspects of mentality of the rich men: These are:
Here are many aspects untold but complete this with chapters about mind manipulation.
I repeat again: I'm not against anything or anyone, rich or poor or else. I'm not
against the money, I consider that everyone must be rich, prosperous but not
only in money, but in spiritual growing, in love and positive thinkings. I want all for all!
We can and we must achieve this important goal!
Who thinks different, maybe should ask himself if it is mental and spiritual healthy. And probable
nobody who is extreme rich is not healthy - because all is intercorelated - if you are
mentally ill, this must repercute in your body and inverse (how can you be mentally healthy if you have the money of 1000 men and 1000 men are dying because they have nothing to eat, in exchange); recognize in
front of yourself how you
are really, and act for establishing divine order in body, mind & all over. See proper chapters for that!
Analyze what you just seeing & be sincerely with yourself: this is the point to
start positively: you are making what you can to be happy and for others to
be happy? If you don't or if you make contrary, don't expect to be ever happy: instead you
will go down and down until you conscientize what you are bad doing or until
you will be punished by divine laws.
Remember again: God is perfect and if you are bad intended for others or
even for you, you will pay now or later; there are no doubts about it.
Nobody, but nobody escapes from that. Don't close your eyes! You will be very
sorry someday! And this someday could come few seconds later, don't forget! You were warned here and God knows that now!
But God & I love you and because of that we expect that from now one you will change your bad
habits with positive habits and later you will progress enough to live in present extasy.
One more precization: because some rich fellows may think in this way: "this guy writes all this here
because it's poor and is having hate for the ones who have money" - I must say that I am not to
poor and I'm not so brain limitated for to do so. I just want that rich people to be more
heart-oriented and generous and also to not forget: today you're rich, tomorrow, who knows? Be human, first. And one more: many seems to
not understand that all their fortune is based by everyone else givings in a way or other, is not falled from sky, so share everything: money, love, hapiness!
You'l grow fantastically in this way! This is the way to be real rich, by sharing everything with anyone, of corse in an equilibrate proportion. But equilibrate not meaning to give nothing and to expect all, remember!
I'm aware of the fact that this 2 major institutions maded to preserve HUMAN RIGHTS are on the
hands of world masonic govern, but I hope not anyone is on Satan's hand, and that justice must
reborn again someday on this planet. We must all contribute to that! Act now or prepare for a new FASCIST ORDER!
I protest vehemently against these barbaries and I demand that United Nations to take imediate
actions to punish the personalities involved through international trial against these criminals.
This is very necesarry and must be done now, as long as we know also:
- that the Gulf War was carefully planified in every posible detail; this is widely known due to
the joined group of men from army, secret services, and from politic structure who put on judgement the
govern of USA a few years ago (with many documents and proofs) for planing the Gulf War deliberately, as they observed from their jobs;
- that the leaders of Gulf War (from army and politic structure) tested a wide arsenal of weapons
of mass destruction on civilies and militaries of Iraq, including superbombs with defragmentation,
radioactive munition, high power incendiary weapons, etc, and this all criminal acts come to the
incredible result of 150,000-200,000 civiliens and militaries killed in this war directly;
- that the same leaders deliberately bombarded facilities which were only for food supllies for
- they ordered that oil pumping stations to be put on fire, and then pretend that Iraq did it, but
iraqies were long ago banished from there; this was also a good reason to come after war with USA
companies specializated in damping the fire; how cinical;
- the main preocupation was to install again USA domination on oil field from that region
because of economic reasons and to kill as many men is posible under various pretexts;
- that Sadam Husein was installed by CIA in years 1960's and the leaders of war not intend do
break down him from Iraq power and leadership; also was confirmed that aliated armies arrived
and stopped in the last days of war near Bagdad which is very semnificative;
- after 9 criminal years of rigurous sanctions against Iraq the only results was in killing
500,000 to 550,000 children because radiatation, cancer, malnutrition, etc, as
UNICEF dates are available; so, in the name of sanctions and against human rights in Iraq, the
killings continuous in silence and nobody seems to care about this brothers of us;
All dates available here are from BBC World television documentary and from international
massmedia sources .
I demand again proper and imediate action of United Nations and of the International Hagua Tribunal to
punish adequately the criminals who are guilty of these fascist actions.
SECRET SERVICES ARE WELCOMED HERE - God, you guys are really fast!
Note for (in special) these people: people with bad, criminal behaviours or in service of evil, moneys, state or govern, army (soldiers) or army scientist, secret services or occult mondial masonic establishment or their devoted slaves, all with (sorry, but I must say) little understanding about yourself and about all this world!
First of all please read this and do not be very nervous
& don't ignore what it says here;an intelligent person will first read &
then meditate & reflect about what is written here. A new level of
conscience is born on this planet and we all must help it to spread & to
grow on all the planet. A better future is waiting us if we make some conscient
efforts to be in more harmony with nature & God. You must know that I love
you too, I'm not against you, the only one who is against you is your bad
behaviours or/and habit to work among wrong people or wrong places which, if not
corrected, will take you (or even us all) on the road of degradation of all
kinds and finnaly you will (eventually, depending on the facts that you maded)
end in the hands of dark (hell if you like). Remember: God really exist (trust
me at this moment, someday maybe you will experience him if you make spiritual
progress) and the long hand of God will reach you and you will pay for the
wrongs that you did in the past. Don't worry, divine justice is perfect, nobody
escaped until now of it. Look at night at this universe how perfect is maded!
It's a order, a cosmos not a chaos how is your mind now. So, correct yourself
now. How? Ask yourself what you serve: money-satana or love-your hapiness-God?
You (your conscience) know the answer! See, you know if you're wrong or not.
Judgement day really coming, nobody knows when you will die - now or some years
later. It's not so crucial how bad you mistaked in the past, you can & must
correct now! Remember again: now you are informed, God knows that right now and exscuses later won't be!
If you're employed in the forces of evil people (like most of the politicians,
army leaders, bad intended mason leaders, bankers and money dealers), go away
now from there! Is valable in special about you people from the armies, army
scientists & secret services of everywhere, because of you serving there,
many will continue to die on this planet. You really like to be a marionet (a
toy manipulated by politicians) in the hands of who knows who - a toy who dies
when others wants? You are mad, sick or what? God has no excuse for idiot people
- you have a brain from God, use it to passs to good side. Think at this: what
will be if your body cells refuses to make all the complicated process in your
body to mantain life? What if these cells refuse to be on the God side to do
their job & says "from now on we make what we want; we want to destruct this
body; we are on the viruses side". You now what will happend? You'll die
instantly. So think again & live the places from where death can be
produced. By staying there you serve perfectly to the planes of Satan and
obstruct the divine plane for us all. And, conscient or no, you are guilty,
because you are ignoring the results & wrong directions of your work. In
other words - you close your eyes, but the punishment will come, now or later. And your bad choice affect us all because we
live together and all it's intercorelated. Like a giant organism - that's really
so. Think how badly will be rewarded all who are in decisive leading functions
if they are taking evil decisions. They are very responsable in the face of God
and they will pay for their goods & bads. Sabotage these death places
through your non-participation and this in the eyes of God will mean that you
are for life. God will take care of you. And don't think that army is neccesary.
It is not, only your mind thinking must be corrected. If you not believe me look
in the past: armies & the men who were in them have maded the biggest
distructions always and continuous on this Earth. And also don't come with: I
make good money in army or else. If you continuing to choose money (ignoring
what you just read), means that you don't realise that your money are doomed,
full of blood and you will end bad someday, remember this (you will be doomed also).
People like you delaying the entrancy of God on this planet, and if you do not
correct now you will be very, very, very sorry soon! Paytime will come and
nobody, really nobody can't avoid this! Feel that is begining to happend! The
last time, I warn you, you cannot serve Satana and God at the same time! Who lie
himself about this is the slave of Satana! In this case, God will forget you
when you will need him! Don't bother to derange him! He is not hearing you if
you do not act now for turning in the right direction. I must inform you that I
see in the astral world many men who worked for army, weapons (death)
fabrication,money dealers, corrupted politicians and in their past life have
only money as God. You don't want to know at what terible pains and nightmares
they were into (because their wrong choice in past life). They suffering so much
also because through their past leading influence conducted many people to
poorness, hunger and death. Don't forget! For people like you in special I wrote the chapter (4) - how
your mind controls yourself!
I want to point on one more thing: rich nations
who ignore God, true and justice, steal and even coming to bomb the poor nations (see Iraq, Serbia, etc), someday will switch
rolls - absolutely true. Please, if your an american, fight against your politicians who
interfere on other countries business (if you don't, you all are participating at wrong actions
and payday will come for all in collective). A giant meteor or eartquake can always come, for instance. Think & reflect that in this world exists some men
who are seeing the future and have a perfect vision &
understanding about what is happening with them, with others & with
the infinite universe. Don't ignore them. Better try to live in harmony each
other. I can odd that this will happend with most: after reading all above, your
mind will tell you that all this here are foolish nonsense, better to ignore
(but you can not, once the truth is known - how Christ saids - the truth
eliberate you from ignorance) and stay comodly like you stayed before without
improving nothing for the triumph of good and God in yourself and on this planet. I can feel that payday
is coming for these against God, so change direction still when you can!
love you anyway but I'm sorry for you if you do not correct yourself now!
You must know also that even if you was doing wrong stuff in you past, you
can be recaptured for God, but you must make big efforts for that! Don't think if your guilty of something,
God cannot help you from now one; yes, he can but you must pay for your bad facts with
more efforts to help others to switch also the bad direction and to go on God way! Nobody is guilty for anything for ever! But
is also true that you cannot cheat God by thinking: "I can do everything now, bad or else and later I will pass
on God side"; this cannot be posible, understand you cannot cheat God, God knows every moment what your
real thoughts and intentions! God cannot be cheated, only you can be cheated by your mind and this is always happening on this planet until now! So, correct yourself from now one!
And remember this: GOD IS PERFECT! If you don't see like this, your vision, behaviours and knowledges are bad,
not God is bad or wrong! You must be corrected, not God! When you will be spiritualized enough, you will
see clearly that this is the truth and the right path!
WEB links that may interest you:
M.I.S.A. WEB Page (in romanian language):
Jean Louie Naudin Free Energy Top Webpage:
SEG Fantastic Motor & John Searl Webpage:
between Nasa & World Masonery:
Free Energy Page:
Alien Moon
Base Page:
Flying Saucer Archive Page:
Multiple links for
UFO watchers:
Spiritual Master OSHO (who revealed again Tantra) WEB Page:
Tantra Central Webpage:
Alternative Technologies WEB Page:
Laboratory WEB Page:
Various informations about Mars:
Also search on after these words: "invisible govern",
"mars pyramid", "masonic govern", "hollow earth", "tantra", "searl
effect generator", "projectmagnet", "free energy", "spiritual master",
"masonery", "ufo", etc...
Maybe my english is not so good, but I hope you
will understand the essence.
AUTHOR NOTICE: If nothing will happend and you will not improve your way of living after you read all this webpage and subpages, this mean, sorry to tell you, that you
will remain a slave in continuous, a slave of exterior and interior impulses and forces, of low astral entities, and your future life will remain unsatisfactory, unhappy and
you will not feel God's power and beatitude inside you, power which guides me to tell you so. You must know that God loves you directly and through me also. I love you brother, and please, please try to understand what's happening with you!
I aworn you again: later regrets (will be, I'll tell you) won't help you! I love you and finally hope that God will shine in your life too! Don't let God and all like me to cry in vane for you! Give me your hand, now, brother! ENTER NOW in the world of God, Osho and meditation! Beatitude is all over, it's waiting for you, brotherrr!!! I really love you!!!