June 28, 2001
Its late again! Please dont shoot me, ive been
busy, looking for workn such, i need a job x.x; Anyone wanna buy some pics?
=P Anyway, since its late, its a big update! 20 new pics in both my section
and the renditions, which is now much nigger than it was. Unfortunately,
im starting to run out of space on geocities, so i may end up linking the
art archives of at least the the 2 artists here to their other places with
hosted art, abey even my own. Anyway, in other news the mboard is down..
i dont know when ill get it back but hopefully asap =n_n=; and no, i still
dont have a scanner but i have been drawing still..i have a few new pics
to scan tho, again improved on my older stuff of course..hopefully ill
get a scanner soon and show them to you. Okay, along with this, belated
birthday wishes go out to Zephyron, Zar, and myself, who all share June
birthdays! YAY! And Supa kats whos is coming up the 30th. Plus all
the other artists and rl people that i know (theres a shitload, too many
to mention) best wishes to ya`ll!~
-20 new pics total in MewX and Rends.
-New links
-About section updated (slightly, ill get that
recent pic o me i have later..)
March 13, 2001
Sorry for the long wait on this update, but i
finally got off my lazy ass and did some stuff with it..the rends/other
page is up now but theres not much in it yet, so dont worry about it now..and
i added a few other links to the links page and some art from me and zar,
thats about it for now...ill try to keep my monthly pace for updating a
little better =n_n=;;
-8 new pics from me, 3 from zar
-New links added on links page
-Renditions/Other Pics section up with 3 pics
January 20, 2001
Hey happy new year n stuff everyone! n.n
I re-updated this update cuz i had to rush it
last time, so heres everything that was added in the past 2 days:
Oh, and if you interesting in supporting me in
getting a new scanner and getting a comission drawn, check out
the scanner fund thing i started now, hopefully
that goes over well.Oh and check out the new message board and please sign
my new guestbook. cya soon for next update!
-Brand spanking kikazz new mboard courtesy
of dalrain! n_n (go ahead n reg with it)
-New Guestbook
-"Moo needs a scanner
fund" started =P
-3 new pics from me
-Heathers profile added
New arts on the way, i mailed dalrain and hes
gonna scan some for me!
December 7, 2000
Wow, what timing with this one, exactly a month.
I`ve pretty much done all the remodeling im gonna do for now so..welcome
to the new Project Complication! And to celebrate, its a big update! yay!
plenty of new art from me n zar and others and what i feel is a better
layout to the page, less messy and easier to find what you want.Yup, this
is the big one. Plus i cleared out a lot of old stuff...email or icq or
something if there are any broken links or anything, thanks!
Feb/2006 - Wow this site is old... Still keeping it around for the memories though.
-New page Design(art page, menubar, title banner,
-New art(me, zar, others)
-Silvershines profile added
Click here to check out the Old Updates
E-Mail me at Phellfire@hotmail.com
Wanna Link me??
Heres the banner!