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Subj: Ransdells
Date: 4/11/01 8:25:26 PM Pacific Daylight Time
From: Patboblex
To: San1937
Benjamin Ransdell, b. 28 May 1815, m. 16 Jan. 1842, Mercer Co., Ky., Hannah Vandike, b. 14 July 1814, d. 28 Aug. 1885, bur. New Providence Presbyterian Ch., Mercer Co., Ky. None of the first three sons below appear with them in the 1860 census. Hannah was the dau. of Garret Vandike. Only son Samuel is with them in 1870.
(1) Thomas Ransdell, b. ca. 1843.
(2) Felix Ransdell, b. ca. 1848.
(3) Robert Ransdell, b. 9 Sept. 1852, McAfee's Mill, Mercer Co., Ky.
(4) Mariah J. Ransdell, b. ca. 1853. Not in 1870 census, probably d. young.
(5) child b. 3 Feb. 1856, McAfee's Mill, Mercer Co.
(6) Samuel S. Ransdell, b. ca. 1858. Perhaps the same as the "Fith Sam" Ransdell, b. 27 Jan. 1858, according to Mercer Co. vital statistics. Samuel F. Ransdell m. 1875 (bond 23 Sept.), Mercer Co., Ky., Mildred Wheeler. In 1880, S. F. Ransdell, b. ca. 1860, and Mildred, b. ca. 1858 are living next to Ben and Hannah Ransdell.
(a) Mary Ransdell, b. ca. 1879.
Edward Ransdell, d. 1724, had no son William. He certainly doesn't mention one in his will.
Edward Ransdell, d. 1773 is not the son of Edward, d. 1724. He is the son of Wharton Ransdell and Ursula Presley
Mary, possibly Mary Gorham, is Edward's first wife. Mrs. Amy Kelly was his second (widow of Capt. John Kelly). There is no evidence of children by Amy. She mentions no Ransdell children in her will in Richmond Co. Edward Ransdell's children would seem to be too old to have been by Amy, whose first husband died about 1715.
The twelve children of William Ransdell and Ann Petty are named in the division of his land. There is no Edward among them.
Elizabeth Ransdell, dau. of Edward Ransdell, d. 1724, and Mary ____ m. (1) by 1724 (see father Edward's will above) Samuel Talbot, d. 1727 (Richmond Co. Will Book 5, p. 32) and (2) in Richmond Co. on 10 Aug. 1727 (North Farnham Parish Register), William Thornton, son of Luke Thornton and Margaret James[?]. Her sister:
Millicent Ransdell m. (1) William Longworth, who d. in 1724 (see the administration of his estate in Westmoreland Co. Order Book 1721-31, p. 76) and had two children by him. She m. (2) Luke Thornton, brother of her sister's second husband, and by 1734 the Thorntons and Millicent's brother John Ransdell had moved to the part of Spotsylvania Co. that was soon to become Orange Co. (see Spotsylvania Co. deed below).
Edward Ransdell, d. 1773, did not marry Elizabeth Ransdell, he m. Elizabeth Sturman, his step-sister.
Regarding the wife of William Ransdell of Mercer Co. with wife Ann Petty. Nancy is a nickname for Ann, or at least it used to be, so there is no question of whether her name was Ann Nancy or Nancy Ann. Her name was Ann, and so she was often called Nancy, just the way a William is sometimes called Bill.
I would like to comment on Hannah Ransdell whose parents you say were Wharton Ransdell and Margaret Moore. I think there is no such person, if you have in mind the generation that I'm thinking about. William Ransdell and Mary Chilton had a daughter Hannah who married William Moore. Maybe that's who you wanted. With no dates, I can't tell, though, if that's who you're talking about.
I think Janie is a mistranscription of Jael or perhaps Jaelie, the dau. of Wm. Ransdell and Ann Petty.
Jael Ransdell, m. (1) 9 Aug. 1796, Mercer Co., Ky., Clater/Claytor Combs, 1770-1803, son of Stephen Combs, 1739-1807, (2) 29 Dec. 1805, Mercer Co., Ky., Jacob Voris/Vorheis. See Mercer Co. Deed Book 23, p. 275, dated 3 Oct. 1839 (recorded 18 Sept. 1841), which lists her children, but does not differentiate the daughters as to father. They were living in Johnson Co., Indiana at that time.
The John Ransdell of Fauquier Co. who married Lucy Chilton was not the son of Edward Ransdell, d. 1724. The dates would make it impossible. He has been proven by a lawsuit to be the son of William Ransdell and Mary Chilton. The letter from Mark Chilton does not make any such claim, so it is not any kind of proof.
From: (Ted Sanford)
Hi Sandie - I have had some significant results lately with my ggg
grandfather, General Thomas Sandford (1762-1808), and would like to give
you an update:
Thomas Sandford 1762-December 10,1808
Son of Youell Sanford (1732-24 Jan 1794) and Elizabeth Pope Spence
Married Sarah Redman (1768-1805), the daughter of Solomon Redman (d.
1783). She was the sister of Winifred Redman who married a second
cousin of Thomas - Captain Richard Sanford (1759-1795) the grandson of
Captain Richard Sanford (1680-1759) who was the brother of Thomas' great
grandfather, Thomas Sanford (1671-1752).
They had two sons:
Alfred Sanford (1787-1863)
Alexander Sandford (1794-1847)
Sarah Redman Sandford died on June 19, 1805, and on November 14, 1805,
he married Margaret Bell of Woodford County, Kentucky. She was the
daugther of Thomas Bell (d. 1796) of Orange County, Virginia and his
wife Elizabeth Taylor. Her grandfather was Zackery Taylor (1707-1768),
who was also the grandfather of the President, Zackery Taylor
They had one child"
- Cassius Bell Sandford (1809-1871) who was born after his father
died by drowning in the Ohio River.
General Thomas Sandford joined the Continental Army on September 31,1777
as a lieutenant, and served in the 1st Virginia Regiment. When he came
to Kentucky in 1792, he settled in the highlands behind Covington, and
was one of the framers of the 2nd Kentucky Constitution in august of
1799. He served in the Eighth and Ninth US Congresses (1803-1807). He
was in the Kentucky militia and was the Brigadier General commanding the
4th Brigade when he drowned in the Ohio River on December 10, 1808.
His two oldest sons served in the Kentucky legislature, and his youngest
became the mayor of Covington. Here is what I have learned of their
history (and mine)!!
Alfred Sanford (1787-1863) married Susan Lewis Martin (1798-1832) on 10
December 1810. She was the duaghter of Major Thomas Martin (1752-1818)
of Albermarle County, Virginia and his wife, Susan Ledbetter. Like his
father, he was a member of the state militia and rose to the rank of
Major. He probably saw service in the War of 1812 as this would have
been a great launching pad for his later service to the state, but I
have not been able to determine where he served. Susan's father, Major
Thomas Martin, a veteran of teh Revolutionary War, no doubt was a friend
of Thomas Sanford. Alfred Sanford lived in Campbell County, Kentucky
until about 1835 when he moved to St. Louis, Missouri after the death of
his wife. He moved once again in 1852 when he went to Jefferson City,
Cole County, Missour where he had extensive properties. Alfred and
Susan had eight children- Indiana Sanford (1816-?) married Captain
Daniel Powers Whiting (1808-1892) on December 30, 1834 and they had six
children; Carneal Sanford; Susan Lewis Martin Sanford (1822-1905)
married Major General Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh Dana, a graduate of West
Point in June of 1842. General Dana was born at Fort Sullivan,
Eastport, Maine on April 15, 1822, and he died on July 15, 1905, at
Portsmouth, New Hampshire where he is burried. They had three children;
Alfred Sanford (1824-?) who married Julia L. Pritchett on June 21, 1847
in Pike County, Missouri. They were living in Scotland County, Missouri
in 1850; Catawaba Sanford (female); Scotia Sanford (female); Henry Clay
Sanford (1830-1881) who was the administrator of his fathers estate and
was a resident of St. Louis, Jefferson City, and finally St. Paul,
Minnesota; and Orphena Sanford (1832-1881) who married a Mr. Lawrence
and had a daughter named Susan Lewis Lawrence in 1852.
Alexander married Lucy Mary Berry (February 20, 1807 to 1856) on 24
September 1823. She was the daughter of Washington Berry (b.1759;
d.1813) and Alice Thorton Taylor (b.1771; d.1838). Through this union,
there are blood links to two presidents of the United States.
Washington Berry's mother was Elizabeth Washington (b.1737) and through
her there is a connection with George Washington's family. His father
was Thomas Berry (b.1724; d.1756). Alice Taylor's great grandfather was
James Taylor II (1673-1728) who was also the great grandfather of
Zackery Taylor (1784-1850), the president. Alexander and Lucy's first
child was Sarah Alice Sanford (August 3, 1824 to March 22, 1901) who
married William Willett Taylor (1823-1887), another cousin of President
Zackary Taylor on December 5, 1844. They resided in Spring Hill, Oldham
County, Kentucky. One of their children, in turn, was Sanford Taylor
(b.1845) who became Oldham County Judge from 1886-1890. He never
married. The second child of Alexander and Mary was Belle Washington
Sanford (1826-?) who married Richard Buckner (1820-1864) in 1850. The
third child was another daughter, Lucy Mary Sanford (b.June 28, 1829;
d.21 September 1898) grew up and married Hubbard Taylor Buckner
(1827-1903), a captain in the 1st Kentucky Cavalry (1846) who fought at
the Battle of Buena Vista under General Taylor. He was closely related
to Lieutenant General (CSA) Simon Bolivar Buckner who in turn was the
father of General Simon B. Buckner who was killed on Okinawa during
World War II. Lucky is burried in the Sanford plot at Highland Cemetary
in Fort Mitchell, Kenton County, Kentucky. Their son was Alexander
Sandford Buckner (b.1850; d.1931). He married Leida Phillips (b. 1863;
d.1906) in 1884, and sometime after that date left Kentucky for Seattle,
Washington where that part of the family lives today. In that city,
their daughter, Mary Helen Buckner (b.1894; d.1982), married Joseph
James Sullivan (b.1889; d.1949) on February 18, 1924. Their son, Col.
Joseph Buckner Sullivan (b. December 5, 1924) married Betty Mae Williams
(b. 29 April 1940) on July 17, 1971, and along with their daughter,
Kathleen Marie Sullivan (b. 18 April 1972), lives in Seattle to this
day. The fourth child of Alexander and Mary was Alfred Pope Sanford
(1831-1923) who married his cousin, Sara Adele Perry (d.1921) in 1854.
She was the daughter of Robert Houston Perry and Catherine Sanford.
They had eight children, all girls except the oldest, Alexander Pope
Sanford, II who was born in 1856. The fifth child was my great
grandfather, William T. Sanford (b.1834) who moved as a young man to
Macoupin County, Illinois. He married Rachael Davidson,2 March 1854,
and they had two sons John Thomas Sanford (1856-1920) and William H.
Sanford. John eventually came to Oklahoma and made the run of 1893. He
married Cora Endicott and raised seven children. The youngest, Teddy
Hollis Sanford (31 December 1907 - 29 December 1992) was an Army Major
General, and his son, Teddy H. Sanford Jr. (1942-) also was a
professional soldier retiring as a lieutenant colonel in 1984. The
sixth and seventh children were Thomas Redman Sanford (1842-1895) and
Edmund Berry Sanford (1847-?). Neither of these two younger boys ever
married, and were living with their widowed mother in 1850.
The youngest son of General Thomas Sandford and his second wife,
Margaret Bell, was Cassius Bell Sandford (1809-1871) who was a steamboat
captain and later became a cashier of the Farmer's Bank of Kentucky in
Covington. He served on the city council, and was mayor of Covington
from 1866 until his death in 1871. He married Francis Leathers,
daughter of John Leathers who was an officer in the War of 1812, and was
with the Kentucky troops at the Battle of the Thames. His son was
General John Lawrence Sandford (b. December 7, 1837) who married Kate
Marshall on April 2, 1872 and had two children, Cassius Marshall
Sandford, and Julia Birney Sandford (1875-1960). In 1900, she married
Oswald Garrison Villard, editor of the magazine, "The Nation" and son of
Henry Villard who was instrumental in the building of the Northern
Pacific Railroad. Their son, Dr. Henry Villard, was professor of
economics at City College of New York. John joined the Confederate Army
in 1862 and served on the general staff of General Joe Johnson
throughout the war. He surrendered with the general at Greensboro N.C.
in 1865. John was in a famous shootout on the streets of Covington on
April 11, 1895. A prominent conservative, he was shot and killed by
William Goebel, an industrial reformer who later was elected governor of
Kentucky but never served. He was assassinated on the way to his
inaugural by persons unknown. There is no indication in the record that
members of the family had anything to do with this event. John is
burried in Section 5, lot 6 of Highlands Cemetery.
I apologize for this long message, but I wanted to get the history
straightened out. It has required exhaustive research and the help of a
Kentucky state senator among others to dig this all out. Hope you can
put it to use, and correct the many errors, some of them mine, that are
currently on the site. Thanks. Ted Sanford
From: Pam (Scottish Lass)
I have new documented information regarding the the Sandford line from The
Isle Bicton near Shrewsbury (Shrophsire), Salop, England from the heir to
the Sandford Estate Sir Humphrey Sandford.
I received a letter dated 18 Mar 1999 on 29 Mar 1999 from him regarding the
line of Sandford's trying to connect through Capt Thomas Sandford and the
line of Thomas Sanford the emigrant to the Sandford's of Sandford Hall.
Neither Capt. Thomas Sandford, Thomas Sanford the emigrant, nor Thomas the
father of Nathan Sandford-U.S. Senator of NY are descendants of the Sandford
Estate. While I cannot at this time post the letter in it's entirity to the
site, I have posted excerpts from his letter and article sent to me
regarding the above information Sir Humphrey has presented and documented.
There is one known and documented descendant of the Sandford estate who emigrated
abt 1780's to Philadelphia named William Sandford, son of Rev. Daniel Sandford of
Sandford Hall. William became a cashier at the Bank of U.S.,Philadelphia.
It seems that Sandford Hall was the old ancestral home of the ancient
Sandford's going back to 1063 or 1068 and was sold by the family in 1935.
This is the place or manor house of Sandford (a hamlet), Shropshire, England
near Prees in northeastern Shrophsire. The Isle House, The Isle Estate,
Bicton, Shrewsbury came into the possession of the family in 1560 when
Richard Sandford moved into what is now known as the Old Isle House. The
house dates back to the 13th century and is a timber framed house.
Good Hunting,