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Welcome to the graphics page!

Here are some graphics I've made. Feel free to use without credit, but I would appreciate a link back with one of my site buttons!

gif divider made up of pastel stars gif divider made up of pastel stars

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plasticdino site button plasticdino site button serial experiments lain button utena button beastars button sanrio boys button sanrio cinnamonroll button san-x mirukuma button san-x mamegoma button san-x chocopa button san-x soraneko button san-x logo button girl animation button hatsune miku world is mine button hatsune miku popipo button calne ca button freely tomorrow button freely tomorrow button viva happy button seraphim on the ring button button button button button button hibikase button luvoratory button eat sleep rave repeat button gorillaz button red velvet button red velvet button red velvet button red velvet russian roulette button red velvet rookie button red velvet bad boy button red velvet rbb button red velvet 2019 seasons greetings button 28 reasons seulgi button red velvet birthday button red velvet chill kill button red velvet cosmic button aespa button kep1er button loona button loona button loossemble button chuu strawberry rush button yves strawberry rush button stayc button TripleS button Young Posse button plastic button 6force button pyramidal button animo button three questions button perfume plasma button perfume nebula romance button perfume logo button perfume button perfume p cubed button perfume ptv button capsule button capsule button capsule button capsule button capsule button contemode button meg button meg button danger button danger button danger button justice dvno button gesaffelstein gamma button charli xcx button hardcore tano*c button cbbc button barbie movie logo button angelic pretty logo button girls mode button metal gear solid game over button nap button gay people button nap button


bad web design blinkie internet princess blinkie ms paint blinkie demon core blinkie perfume logo blinkie perfume polygon wave blinkie techno blinkie angelic pretty blinkie baby, the stars shine bright blinkie Metamorphose blinkie