Microblog 2.0
Official Arduboy Get (12/05/2023)
Arduboy Joystick Adventures (11/23/2023)
Perler Beads (10/04/2023)
88x31 Archive Updates (01/09/2023, 01/24/2023)
Kobo Clara 2E (01/03/2023)
Goodbye Atom, Hello Notepad++ (12/17/2022)
DeAmazoning and DeGoogling Part Deux (12/13/2022)
The Triumphant Return of Physical Media (12/04/2022)
Glass Dip Pens (11/06/2022)
Digital Manga/Manhua/Manhwa (10/14/2022)
Fountain Pens, Inks, and Journaling (08/17/2022)
The Horror of Updating Windows 8.1 (07/20/2022)
Minnow's first site: toejamandearl (05/26/2022)
Google Drive Spam Handily Demonstrates Everything Wrong With Google (03/31/2022)
Spring Tyme! Time to fix this broken site! (03/23/2022)
NeoCities Command Line Interface (03/19/2022)
Templating Button Pages with Jinja2 (03/10/2022)
emoji.index get (03/09/2022)
Exploring NeoCities (03/03/2022)
BoardGameGeek Backups (03/01/2022)
Revisiting Design Philosophy (02/27/2022)
Rejecting Static Site Generators (01/25/2022)
When Search Engines Fail Us (08/31/2021)
Fireworks and Volcanos (07/05/2021)
Zettelkasten and the Argument Against Category Taxonomies (02/16/2021)
Tamaguino (02/14/2021)
Retro Gaming and Repros (01/25/2021)
Directory Comparison with Bash (01/09/2021)
Project Eris on Playstation Classic (01/08/2021)

Dual Booting MX Linux and Windows 8.1 (12/27/2020)
Hugo Terms Revisited (12/21/2020)
Project: Google Be Gone (12/18/2020)
Mutant Standard Emojis (12/14/2020)
Paper Pinball in Godot (12/12/2020)
Site n Stuff (12/08/2020)
Still PNPin (11/28/2020)
Devname Get (11/27/2020)
Developer Names (11/22/2020)
Thrift Report 11 (11/20/2020)
Godot Game Engine (11/19/2020)
Exploring 52-Card Deck Games (11/02/2020)
Card Crawler on Android (10/30/2020)
Scoundrel on Android (10/29/2020)
Card Capture on Android (10/23/2020)
The Bogey on Android (10/15/2020)
Garage Sale Report 10 (09/25/2020)
Is Recycling a Lie? (09/20/2020)
Compost Report and Plans (09/18/2020)
Loot Report 9: April O'Neil Quest (09/16/2020)
Pringles the Destroyer (08/18/2020)
Consumption Doldrums (08/16/2020)
Design Philosophy: Link Exposure (08/09/2020)
- 🐌 SNAILS (08/08/2020)
Hugo Tidy (08/07/2020)
- PDF Card Extraction (08/06/2020)
Custom Micro Pages (08/06/2020)
Thrift Report 8 (08/05/2020)
- ✂️ 100 PNPs (08/03/2020)
- 📝 DIY Book Binding (07/31/2020)
Thrift Report 7 (07/30/2020)
- 📝 Marineland Penguin 350 Biowheel Filter You Let Me Down Buddy (07/27/2020)
- 📝 Long Time No Upload (07/26/2020)
Loot Report 6 (07/25/2020)
- 🐌 Snails <3 (07/24/2020)
- 📝 Plants, Finally (07/22/2020)
- Solo Tabletop RPGs (07/20/2020)
- 📝 Game Room (07/08/2020)
CatGet! (07/05/2020)
- PICO-8 Fantasy Console (07/02/2020)
Thrift Report 5: Legos (06/11/2020)
Digger (06/07/2020)
Thrift Report 4 (06/04/2020)
- 🐟 My Sweet Chubby Children (05/27/2020)
- 🎨 PNP Build: Blankout "Worms" Retheme (05/23/2020)
- 🐟 Pepperoni is Pizza's Best Friend (05/22/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Power Surge: Cyber Academy (05/13/2020)
- 🐟 Tank Report 3 (05/10/2020)
- 📝 Tank Report 2 (05/07/2020)
- 📝 DIY Face Masks (05/05/2020)
- 📝 Lemon People (05/04/2020)
- 📝 Tank Report 1 (05/01/2020)
- 🙈 Data Obfuscation (04/27/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Adamastor (04/26/2020)
- 📝 Fish and Gardens (04/25/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Micro Space Empire Retro Resdesign (04/22/2020)
Donning the Purple Event Card App (04/19/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Snowbirds + Expansions (04/17/2020)
- ✂️ PNP Build: Iron Helm (04/13/2020)
- 📝 Week 4 (04/12/2020)#life
Modding the LG Optimus T P509 (04/11/2020)
- 📝 Unearthing Ancient Android Secrets (04/10/2020)
- 😢 Farewell to Quiet Mornings (04/09/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Going Ashore X-Files Retheme (04/06/2020)
- 📝 The Gamification of Shelter-In-Place (04/05/2020)
The Great Outdoors (04/03/2020)
- 📝 Anatomy of a Retheme (03/31/2020)
- 📝 Week Two (03/30/2020)
- 📝 Going Ashore Prototype (03/29/2020)
- 📝 Stretching (03/27/2020)
- 📝 Nandeck for Rethemeing (03/26/2020)
Project Plans (03/25/2020)
Who's In That Egg? (03/24/2020)
- ✂️ PNP Build: Project Dreamscape (03/22/2020)
- 📝 Week One (03/21/2020)
GAME: im sad (03/18/2020)
- 📝 Little Things (03/17/2020)
- 📝 Coronavirus Changes (03/16/2020)

HrefHunt Get! (03/14/2020)
- 📝 Live in the Time of Coronavirus (03/13/2020)
- ✂️ PNP Build: Wipers Salient Mandalorian Retheme (03/12/2020)
Site Construction (03/09/2020)
- 📝 QR Code Scavenger Hunt (03/08/2020)
- 📝 Spring Clean Your Dirty Soul (03/06/2020)
- 📝 AO3 Blocked in China (03/05/2020)
Road Trip (03/02/2020)
Thrift Report 3 (02/28/2020)
Bitsy Game Engine (02/27/2020)
- 📝 PNP Build: Haze Islands (02/26/2020)
- 📝 Creator vs. Reader Lenses (02/25/2020)
- 📝 Manhattan Project: Chain Reaction (02/25/2020)
Thrift Report 2 (02/24/2020)
- 📝 Political Misinformation (02/23/2020)
Recycling vs. Composting Mystery Quest (02/22/2020)
- 📝 Inclement Singing (02/21/2020)
Forest Soil and Hugelkulture (02/20/2020)
- 📝 Superman Getting Spanked (02/20/2020)
Retroarch on Android (02/19/2020)
- 📝 Thrift Report (02/18/2020)
More Compost (02/17/2020)
- 📝 Modular Arduboy (02/16/2020)
- 📝 Stop Buying Boardgames (02/15/2020)
Retro Gaming (02/12/2020)
YES GOOD (02/10/2020)
Snow Day (02/09/2020)
- 📝 The Mystical Swing Voter (02/06/2020)
- 📝 le gamez with a sprinkle of tumblr hate (02/04/2020)
- 📝 The Fine Art of Chilling Out (02/03/2020)
- 📝 Pac Man Again (02/01/2020)
- 😷 More Pac-Man (01/31/2020)
Stuff (01/29/2020)
- 📝 Pac-Man Arduboy Retrofit (01/28/2020)
- 📝 JAUP: Just Another Useless Page (01/27/2020)
Arduboy Pro Micro Clone (01/26/2020)
Exploring the HiLetGo Pro Micro Clone (01/25/2020)
- 📝 Digital to Analog (01/23/2020)
The Quest for Markdown Tag Management Continues (01/22/2020)
Froo-Froo Grocery Exploratory Committee (01/21/2020)
- 📝 Pac-Man 243977 Handheld (01/18/2020)
- Gaming with the ESP8266 (01/17/2020)
- Gaming with the ESP32 (01/16/2020)
- 📝 ESP32 & ESP8266 Gaming (01/15/2020)
Composting and Recycling (01/14/2020)
Outline Who? (01/13/2020)
The Maker's Dilemma (01/12/2020)
Arduboy Devboard (01/10/2020)
Arduboy Nano Clone (01/08/2020)
Buzzy Bee Mouse Shaker (01/07/2020)
DIY Modules (01/06/2020)
- 📝 Supporting Creatives Part 2: Tipping (01/05/2020)
- 📝 Batch to Generate Button Links (01/03/2020)
- 📝 Being Supportive of Creators (01/02/2020)
Revisiting BuJo (01/01/2020)
- 📝 Value Your Enjoyment (12/31/2019)
Word Count Tracking (12/31/2019)
- 📝 Paintings (12/30/2019)
FODMAP (12/29/2019)
- 📝 DIY Handheld Game Consoles (12/28/2019)
- 📝 Hilma af Klint (12/27/2019)
- 📝 GAME: 3-Sisters (12/26/2019)
- 🎲 Solo Tabletop Gaming in 2019 (12/26/2019)
- 📝 Goodbye, Stranger (12/25/2019)
Not Resolutions (12/24/2019)
- 📝 ANSI Art (12/23/2019)
New Bedford Errata Tiles (12/20/2019)
- 😫 Introvert Battery (12/19/2019)
goo (12/18/2019)
- 📝 Between Two Blogs (12/16/2019)
Mario and Yoshi Party (12/15/2019)
- 📓 Structured Writing (12/14/2019)
Grand Unified (12/13/2019)
- 📝 Content Archives in Hugo (12/12/2019)
- 🚧 Hugo Deployment (12/10/2019)
- Athena 2000 Touch Tronic Sewing Machine (12/08/2019)
- 📝 Essentials (12/07/2019)
Sewing (12/06/2019)
- ✏ PNP Build: Paper Pinball (12/05/2019)
- 📝 Tag Bar (12/03/2019)
- ✂️ PNP Build: Desolate & Expansions (12/02/2019)
- 🎲 Dice Towers (with a side of arcade papercraft) (12/01/2019)
- 📝 Syncing Joplin with pCloud (11/30/2019)
Custom Tag Lists Hugo (11/27/2019)
- 📝 Javascript Deck Prototyper (11/26/2019)
- 😫 Less of All the Things, Please (11/25/2019)
- 📝 The Everdeck (11/22/2019)
- 📝 Project Graveyards (11/21/2019)
- 🎨 Neocities as Self Care (11/20/2019)
- Satisfying My Resident Evil Thirst (11/19/2019)
- 📝 On Guestbooks and Commenting (11/18/2019)
- 📝 Little War Machine (11/17/2019)
POSSE and Silos... Who are we talking to? (11/15/2019)
Eff This (11/14/2019)
The Wonderful World of Kaoani (11/13/2019)
- 😷 Solitaire Print and Play Content (11/12/2019)
- 📝 Designing a Card Game (11/11/2019)
- 📝 The Gamification of Gaming Part 2: Shelves of Shame (11/10/2019)
- 📝 The Gamification of Gaming (11/09/2019)
- 📝 DIY for Introspection (11/08/2019)
- 📝 Hava Gurevich (11/07/2019)
- 📝 A Plant-Based Diet (11/06/2019)
- 📝 Fast Web vs. Paced Web (11/05/2019)
- ✂️ PNP Build: Aquaducts (11/04/2019)
New Bedford App 0.99999999 (11/01/2019)
Modding the Playstation Classic (11/01/2019)
- ✂️ Even More Helionox (10/30/2019)
- 😭 USB Crie (10/29/2019)#life
Revisiting the Orange Pi PC 2 (10/26/2019)
- 🔧 Workbench (10/25/2019)
- 📝 Web Directories Part 3: the Districts (10/24/2019)
- 📝 Web Directories, Part 2 (10/23/2019)
- 📝 Web Directories, Linking, Rot (10/22/2019)
New Bedford Assistant (10/21/2019)
- IndieAuth and Webmentions on Neocities (10/19/2019)
#web development
New Bedford App (10/18/2019)
- ✂️ PNP Galore (10/16/2019)
Whew! (10/15/2019)
- 📝 Site Housekeeping (10/14/2019)
Secret Hike (10/13/2019)
- 📝 Kayaking (10/12/2019)
😢 Knee (10/11/2019)
😎 Emojis in Hugo (10/10/2019)
- 📝 More Blox (10/09/2019)#loot
- 📝 Purple (10/08/2019)
- 📝 Transitional (10/07/2019)
- 📝 You Know You're a Maker When (10/04/2019)
- 📝 Hello Again World (10/03/2019)
- Microblogging with twtxt on Neocities (10/02/2019)
- 📝 Twenny (10/02/2019)
- Print & Play Masterpost (09/30/2019)
New Bedford App (09/27/2019)
- Nandeck Scripts (09/19/2019)
- Codex Seraphininanus Playing Cards (09/16/2019)
- Hugo and Neocities (01/03/2019)
- Electronics Reference (12/28/2018)
- Bullet Journals & Maker Notebooks (12/27/2018)
DS3231 AT24C32 Real-Time Clock (12/20/2018)
LCD 1602 (12/17/2018)
- ESP8266 - NodeMCU and Wemos (12/15/2018)
NRF24L01+ Tranceiver Modules (12/08/2018)
- Privacy Notes (12/04/2018)
- Amphenol/Telaire SM-PWM-01C SMART Dust Sensor (11/23/2018)
433MHz Radio Frequency Modules for Arduino and ATTiny (11/22/2018)
4-Digit 7-Segment LED Display Module (TM1637) (11/20/2018)
Sound Sensor Modules LM386, HW-484, and KY-038 (11/15/2018)
- Digispark ATTiny85 (10/28/2018)
- Resistive Soil Sensors (10/18/2018)
Using Arduino and Orange Pi for Datalogging (10/18/2018)
- Etching Printed Circuit Boards at Home (10/17/2018)
Orange Pi PC 2 Wifi on Armbian (10/15/2018)
SSD1306 OLEDs with Arduino and Orange Pi (10/15/2018)
GY-291 ADXL345 Accelerometer (10/05/2018)
Tilt Physics Toy with ADXL345 Accelerometer and an 8x8 LED Matrix (10/02/2018)
Arduino Uno R3 & Nano 3.0 Clone Boards (09/21/2018)
LED Matrixes - 1088AS, 2088RGB, Colorduino (09/18/2018)
- Integrated Circuits - NE555N, 4017, 74HC595 (09/12/2018)
- LED Experiments (09/09/2018)
Orange Pi Pulse Width Modulation (09/01/2018)
Investigating Orange Pi Reset Option (08/29/2018)
Orange Pi I2C & SPI Setup (08/27/2018)
Orange Pi PC 2 GPIO and Onboard Button (08/25/2018)
Using Modules with Orange Pi (08/20/2018)
RetrOrangePi Zero (07/10/2018)
Orange Pi Zero Temperature Management (07/09/2018)
Implementing a safe shutdown button for Orange Pi Zero (07/05/2018)
Modding Qanba Q4 RAF (05/16/2018)
- 📝 Tilesets (01/10/2017)
- 📝 Dalí: The Game (01/08/2017)
- 📝 Crazy Quilts (01/07/2017)
- 📝 Good Bad Movies (01/05/2017)
#The Room
- 📝 Originals and Forgeries (01/02/2017)
- Fun with Phaser (12/31/2016)
- 📝 Frida Kahlo (12/29/2016)
- 📝 You Have To Start Somewhere (12/28/2016)
- 📝 Back to Work (12/24/2016)
#Frida Kahlo
- 📝 A Cautionary Tale (12/23/2016)
#Tamara de Lempicka
- 📝 Movies and a Woman of the Automobile Age (12/22/2016)
#Tamara de Lempicka
- 📝 Palindromes (12/20/2016)
- 📝 Art Immersion (12/19/2016)
- 📝 Tilesets & Collage (12/15/2016)
- 📝 Reading (12/14/2016)
Baby's First Android App (12/12/2016)
- 📝 Your Loving Garbage Child (12/09/2016)
- 📝 Platformers (12/07/2016)
- 📝 Imagemaps Ahoy (12/01/2016)
- 📝 Static Site Search (11/30/2016)
Pinecone Adventures (11/28/2016)
- 📝 Minification & Content (11/26/2016)
- 📝 Family (11/21/2016)
Flappy Fruit (11/17/2016)
- 📝 Creativity Drives Consumption Drives Creativity (11/07/2016)
The Wizard of Linux (11/05/2016)
Building Kivy Android Distributions in Windows (11/04/2016)
- 📝 The Tinkerer (11/03/2016)
Et Tu, Kivy? (10/29/2016)
- 📝 Jekyll Collections & Python Markdown Editor (10/28/2016)
- 📝 Charting Your Creative Doldrums (10/22/2016)
- 📝 Wisdom Tree is Back (10/10/2016)
- 📝 Bulletin Board Systems (10/07/2016)
- 📝 The Archive You Never Asked For (10/07/2016)
- 📝 tilde.club (10/03/2016)#cyber
- 📝 Discovering the IndieWeb (09/30/2016)
- 📝 Hello-o-o... Is Anybody In There? (09/28/2016)
- 📝 We're Live (09/27/2016)
- 📝 Mission Statement (09/25/2016)
- 📝 Online Legacy (09/24/2016)
- 📝 Hello World (09/23/2016)