Monster from the Ocean Floor Release date(s) May 21, 1954 Running time 64 minutes Distributed by Lippert Pictures Directed by Wyott Ordung Produced by Roger Corman Written by Bill Danch Starring Anne Kimbell Stuart Wade Roger Corman Monster from the Ocean Floor (1954) is a science fiction film about a sea monster that terrorizes Mexico. The film was directed by Wyott Ordung and starred Anne Kimbell and Stuart Wade. Producer Roger Corman also appeared in a cameo in the film. It was the second film that Corman produced. Julie Blair (Anne Kimball), a tourist visiting Mexico's Yucatan region, encounters deep-sea researcher Steve Dunning (Stuart Wade). They hear stories about people and animals that have disappeared from the area around the beach where they meet, but she doesn't believe the legend of a monster until she sees it herself. Then she must do her best to convince Steve and the authorities of what she saw. The creature turns out to be a mutation, probably spawned by recent atomic testing, and Steve must rescue her when she is caught by the monster as she searches for it.